Chapter 354: It seems like the double-pupil has lost (First update)_1

Stone Toughness spoke up, intending to delay the battle and anxiously search for his own suitable ancient land.

Before entering Immortal Ancient, his master had emphasized a certain ancient land that could complement his double pupils. If he could find it, it would greatly benefit his future cultivation and should not be missed.

He could sense it; the ancient area he belonged to was likely different from that of this famed youth. But now that the ancient land had appeared and the most dazzling, resplendent opportunities were coming into existence from the sealed vaults, the prospect of that opportunity was more important than the outcome of this battle.

Particularly, although the Three Thousand Gorgeous Ancient Worlds were said to be separated, they were, in reality, interconnected. They were bound to meet again in the presence of the ultimate opportunity, so Stone Toughness wasn't in a particular hurry.

Having experienced death and rebirth, his mentality had inevitably changed.