Chapter 353: Shaman, I Want to Fight You_1

(This was the story from yesterday. I fell asleep while writing it unintentionally last night, and when I woke up it was already past nine. I hurriedly made up for it.)



Whether it's the Youth with Double Pupils or the Shaman, both are rare top-level prodigies in the world, full of arrogance, possessing power that could crush their peers.

As a Double Pupil Holder, it is said that they are unbeaten in the same realm during ancient times. The Power of double pupils, when evolved to its extreme, could shatter the skies and open the earth, terrifying to the extreme.

That divine light we just saw has proved this point, it's too exaggerated. A group of Heavenly Beasts, the descendants of Divine Birds, together were not even an opponent for the Youth with Double Pupils, they were instantly killed, annihilated into ashes, without any corpses left.