Chapter 1

Carlos Conners a 21 year old African/Mexican who is the biggest loner of his college. He had used to have alot of friends until they all left him when a group of rich and popular people decided to take his friends from him. 

At first it was simply ignoring him in conversations, then meeting up behind his back and the final act that killed their friendship. Giving them information that was meant to stay between them and only them. He lost his friends, Best friends and childhood friends in that period of time. At the age of 15 this had occurred. 

He stopped trying to make friends and focused on dating at 16, He met who he assumed was his soulmate, a girl who enjoyed archery along with leading the dodgeball team. She was pretty sporty and enthusiastic which brightened up his day. She spends alot of time training which was common but she then started to take longer times, Cancelled out on dates and seemed annoyed by his gestures. 

After some investigation, he found out why she was like that, She had been cheating on him for 3 whole months during the 7 months they have been together.Heartbroken, He left silently not even bothering to confront her. 

This left with the only people he could truly rely on, His parents and they proved him right. No matter what happened they had been there for him. His father who was a retired soldier had started to teach his teenage son military training in the chace he would join, He taught him how to shoot and use knives. He also learned how to camouflage via his father shooting at him, sign language, Constructing weapons, repairing mechanical equipment, To intimidate people, To Persuade people, being cold to people, Boxing/Wrestling/ jiu jitsu and Kickboxing. Having no social life anymore means whenever he got back home. He was free, When he failed he would be punished harshly. 

Then his mother who is a park ranger has taught him some stuff aswell to keep him busy, She taught him about zoology and botany, this would help him with tracking, selecting food in the wild, Learning behaviours and best ways to fend them off. She also taught him how to craft stuff using equipment found in the wild, how to build shelters, maintaining fires, how to cook and filtering water. Failure to do so would also result in harsh punishments. 

His parents had hoped by doing this it would drive out any thoughts of suicide within their son, The punishments and work managed to put him into a state of depression however the fact that he spent time with his family had removed the depression completely and so suicide was out of the picture. 

He wasn't the subject of the rich kids alone there were other kids, He had encountered one of them and saw how horribly he was being treated so he decided to step in but upon doing so. The person did not express gratitude and instead threatened him. Something he would remember.




-------------Timeskip/location change. 


Carlos is sitting behind a deceased tree which people don't go near, He is busy listening to music while sketching on a notebook. He smiles while drawing ignoring everything else in his surroundings.


Carlos:'Just 2 more years Carlos, Two more years of people getting on my nerves'

Carlos thinks with a frown, He sighs getting up and heading to his next class.

Carlos:'I just wish this life of mine will take a positive change'

Pretty soon, Carlos is sitting at the back of his class with his eyes closed. 

Prof Anne:"Well I have an announcement everyone!"

The 32 year old blonde shouts enthusiastically getting everyone's, Everyone turns to her curious as to what got her so excited while Carlos lowers the volume on his phone. 

Prof Anne:"As you all know, Parker and his wonderful group haven't been with us for a week, Well the reason for that is because they managed to get us a free trip to a newly discovered island this weekend!"

She shouts and everyone erupts in murmurs. Carlos groans. 

Carlos:"Rich people"

Prof Anne:"Parker has stated that everyone in this class will be allowed to participate but it would be appreciated if you all came Especially you Carlos"


Carlos asks the professor, He has a somewhat relationship with the teacher. He helps her a couple of times when everyone leaves class and that's it. 

Prof Anne:"Yes, Parker said he wishes to see you there"

Carlos smiles when he hears the words. 

Carlos:"Tell him I'd rather eat a possum than join whatever he paid for"

Prof Anne:"It's a cruise and I insist you change your mind, Carlos. He said if you don't go then no one else will be going?"


??? 2:"Come-on man! Don't ruin this for us"

Carlos:"I don't care"

He says closing his eyes and putting his pods on, he increases the volume to tune everyone out. After a few seconds, he could see a pair of hands on his desk, Looking up it's Anne.

Carlos:"You alright?"

Prof Anne:"No I'm not! This cruise will be my only ticket to relaxing this entire month, Do you know how hard it is teaching idiots like Spencer!"


Prof Anne:"Shut up! Carlos please! Change your mind, I have 2 kids at home and they're driving me crazy. A little time away from home is all I need so please!"

Spencer:"You should help her out, Carlos!"

Carlos looks at Professor Anne then he looks at the rest of the class, back at Anne then the class and soon enough. He lets out a heavy sigh. 

Carlos:"I'm going to regret this"

He mutters then he speaks out loud. 

Carlos:"Tell him I'll be there"

The class erupts in cheers and Carlos walks out frustrated. 

Carlos:"I know that place will be the worst, But maybe I can send mom a few panda pictures, I don't know why she likes those dumb animals"

You mutter walking out of your college, You look at your phone and it's Tuesday. You have 3 days left and you are going to use these days to get ready. 

Normally by this point there would be a message from Kendra one of Parker's friends, Gloating about this achievement but since you changed your sim card. You have no worries about that. 

Carlos:"Let's just prepare for this trainwreck, I know for sure those skunks are gonna be there"

Carlos says clenching his fist. 

Carlos:'Just thinking about them pisses me off'

Carlos pushes those feelings aside and he heads back to his apartment. 


Mom:"Oh my baby! Do you have your mosquito repellent?!"

Carlos' mom asks while checkibg his three bags which are a regular bag and two duffel bags.

Carlos:"I have it mom but don't you think this is a little too over prepared?"

Dad:"Nonsense, Accidents always happen so your mother and I this is for the best in case any accidents occur"

???:"Is little Carlos, saying goodbye to his mommy?'

Carlos let's out a tired sigh. 

Carlos:"Bye Mom and dad, I Love you both"

Carlos' mom:"We love you too sweetie!"

Carlos' dad:"Remember! If anyone ever bothers you then make sure to-"

Carlos' mom:"Don't break anyone's limbs!"


On the cruise ship music blasts though the air. Both the teachers and students are enjoying each other on the ship while occasionally thanking the people responsible for this all. All except for one person. 

Carlos:'How did grandad even use this thing?!'

Carlos thinks trying to figure out the buttoned phone his dad had given him. 

Carlos:'Darn you and your paranoia, Dad! Because of him my phone is locked for 32 more hours'

Carlos continues to try figuring out the outdated phon when all of a sudden someone snatches it from his hands. 


Carlos shouts turning around only to be met with a face he doesn't like. 


Carlos says narrowing his eyes. One of the bastards that ruined his social life.

Parker:"What the hell is this thing?!"

Parker says outloud while Javier and Norman. Two of Carlos former friends chuckle looking at the old phone. 

Carlos:"Very funny, Now give it back"

Parker:"Hey everyone! check this out!"

Parker shouts drawing attention to everyone. 

Parker:"Look at how broke, little Carlos is. Can't even afford a proper phone!"

Parker comments earning various laughs from everyone which soon died to mutters even the teacher's who are trying to suck up to him were muttering about something. 

Carlos:"Fine, I'm broke! Are you happy!"

Carlos says pushing the two off him.

Parker:"But since I'm such a nice guy! I'll be willing to give him an expensive phone! If he begs for it!"

Parker says flaunting a new phone infront of Carlos. The mutters only increased, Carlos looks at everyone and his disappointment was evident on his face. The people he once knew were just standing there watching the whole ordeal take place. 

Parker throws the buttoned phone that his late grandpa had given him as a final gift. It was boring and the worst part is that they knew about it. Carlos looks at the phone infront of him and he smacks it away. 

Carlos:"You're all assholes"

Carlos walks away leaving Parker stunned and angry.


Carlos sat in the storage room pissed off. 

Carlos:"Those pigs, I wish they-"

Suddenly the boat starts to shake violently. 

Carlos:"The hell's going on?"

Carlos asks picking up his backpack. Then the ship starts to shake even more and before he knew it. A bullet flew past his head barely missing his eye. 

Carlos:"Oh sh-"

Carlos jumps behind a metal table that had been knocked down by the violent shaking ship. Screams fill the upper part of the ship as the gunshots block out the screams. 

Carlos grips his bag tightly as the ship shakes even more aggressively then something falls loose and strikes Carlos' head knocking him out.