Chapter 2


Carlos moans sitting up while holding his head. 

Carlos:"My head freaking hurts"

Carlos states opening his eyes. 

Carlos:"Where am I?"

Carlos asks as he finally notices his surroundings, He is currently on a patch of grass with what he assumes to be a river flowing just a few meters from his feet. Speaking of his feet. 

Carlos:"Ow! What the hell?!"

Carlos shouts as a crab the size of his foot tightly pinches his foot, Carlos rolls on the ground and the crab pinches with it's other hand earning another scream from Carlos. 

Carlos:"¡Te asaré si no me sueltas!(I'll roast you if you don't let go!)"

Carlos shouts then he starts flailing his legs to throw it off but when all fails, he stands up with the crab still pinching at his toes. 

Carlos:"Don't wanna let go, ey?"

Carlos walks infront of a rock, he pulls his foot back and he kicks the rock. 


The crab falls to the ground in a state of daze. Carlos grabs the Crab and he looks around. His eyes widen with joy as he spots his bag at the other end of the river. He puts his hand in the water to test the current.

Carlos:"Not that strong, Hold on bag. I'm coming!"

The water was pretty deep, reaching his elbows but it wasn't too much of a problem since he managed to power through to the other side with the crab raised up high. 

Carlos walks out of the water and he runs to his bag. He opens it up and he let's out a sigh of relief.

Carlos:"Everything's here!"

Carlos couldn't help but shout while hugging his bag. Carlos looks inside and he sees most of the important stuff such as his phone, charger, a switch knife, first aid kit, matchsticks, Two different sets of clothes, compass, watch, shoes. 

Carlos:"W-wait I didn't put these in here!"

Carlos shouts pulling out a revolver from a hidden spot inside his bag which also had some bullets, There were also two ice tools and a tomahawk.

Carlos:"So that's why it felt so heavy! How did they even manage to put these in here?! What if someone had searched through my bag?!"

Carlos shouts shocked at what his parents had done but also glad since he might use them. Carlos closes the bag and he throws it over his shoulder. 

Carlos:"Sucks I couldn't get the bags with the food and water aswell but I have to make sure if I'm really stranded or there's people around"

Carlos takes out the compass and he is currently facing west, he turns around and the river starts from south.

Carlos:"That's where I'm going"

Carlos puts his sandals inside the bag and he puts on his shoes then he starts to walk through the forest. 

Carlos:'Wonder where everyone else'

Carlos couldn't help but wonder as he walked, he obviously didn't want to encounter them.


On the opposite side of the area. People were seen panicking while others were helping out the ones that got injured. Luckily apart from Carlos everyone was there but the ship had a massive hole on it's side and all the fuel it had was almost zero. 

Spencer:"I shouldn't have come here, I could have been making the greatest movie but now I'm stranded here"

Prof Austin:"Everyone! Calm down please!"

Professor Austin the biology professor yells trying to calm everyone down. Is a brown haired fair skinned 5'9 male. 

Javier:"Calm down?! We're stuck in an island that we don't know shit about and we don't even have our phones!"

Javier shouts as he tries to remove the water from his dead phone. 

Aveline:"He's right, sir. He may be aggressive but it's we don't know where we are and we can't use our phones to call for help"

Aveline a former friend of Carlos. She is a part of the cheerleaders at a height of 5'8 she has brown hair that reaches her waist matching her olive skin. 

Prof Austin:"You're all right but we can't just sit down and wait. We'll have to look for food and water. We have the ship as shelter but without those two we'll die"

Javier:"So what do you want us to do?"

Prof Austin:"There's 56 bags inside of that ship, If we look through some bags we'll be able to get some useful stuff"

Prof Jenny:"That's actually a good idea"

Professor Jenniffer the women studies professor speaks up. She is a pale skinned ginger at a height of 5'7.

Aveline:"But who's going to go in? The shop had been damaged before crashing so the interior is dangerous"

Spencer:"Hey guys! I found a duffel that has food in it!"

Spencer shouts revealing a duffel bag that belongs to Carlos. People immediately start to flock him but they are stopped by the professors and a few other people.

Prof Austin:"We should make sure the food is enough to last all of us, So Spencer let's not give it out in large quantities"

Prof Anne:"What do you mean not give it out in large quantities?! Everyone just got out of a ship that's crashed and your limiting the food the inujured can receive?"

Anne asks not liking the idea. 

Prof Austin:"We have to make sure we hold out till, Help arrives. We don't know how long we'll be here so we need to conserve"

Prof Anne:"Well I think the injured should get the food first"

Anne and Austin continue to argue about what they should do when Parker walks up to Spencer.

Parker:"Here Spencer. Let me help you hold it"

Spencer:"You sure man? What if you eat it"

Parker smiles at Spencer. 

Parker:"Trust me I won't"

Spencer thinks for a second then he hands Parker the duffel bag. Parker watches as the professors argue and he looks at the duffel bag with ideas popping through his mind. 

Parker shakes his head and he watches the people argue. A small smile crept on his face as he watched the people argue over the very bag he is holding. 


Carlos is sitting down with a campfire set up, he throws some dry wood into the fire increasing it's duration and he lets out a sigh. 

Carlos:'I'm going to have to come up with a plan fast, If I don't then I'll dehydrate'

Carlos bites a crab leg as he thinks. He then takes out his phone and he turns it on.

Carlos:"C'mon work"

His phone successfully turns on.

Carlos:"Hell yes!"

Carlos shouts, the phone completely turns on and he unlocks it.

The first thing he looks at is the signal and there was nothing in this place. There was no internet nor data. 

Carlos:'There goes calling my parents, if I try the police what will I tell them? I'm stuck in an island I don't even know about. I'm sure they won't waste their time possibly losing their own people in the process'

Then the percentage which was at 90. Carlos scrolls through his phone until he decides to turn it off to conserve the battery.

Carlos:'I might need to make a map of this place but it seems reasonably safe at the moment'

A few minutes after saing that, Loud footsteps start to approach Carlos. 

Carlos:'Me and My Maldito(damned) thoughts!'

Carlos thinks dropping his last crab leg quickly kicking sand into the fire and climbing inside a bush. Carlos waits in silence awaiting to see who or what is responsible for such sounds. 

Carlos:"Is that a fucking polar bear?!"

Carlos couldn't help but shout silently. Luckily he wasn't heard and the polar bear eats his crab leg then it walks away to search for more food. Carlos doesn't dare to come out of the bush he is in. 


Carlos:'I might be screwed'