chapter 2

The wooden door groaned as it was slowly pushed open, slicing through the thick silence of the cold night.

"Roman," came the deep voice of Uncle Roy, tinged with worry and a hint of fatigue. He stood, a solid silhouette against the pallid moonlight seeping in from the hallway. "What keeps you awake at this ungodly hour?"

Roman remained still, his gaze affixed to the moon whose glow seemed to dance upon the surface of his irises. He was hoping his silence would be enough to assuage his uncle's concern.

"Can't sleep...the night's beautiful, Uncle," Roman finally muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Uncle Roy moved closer, his worn boots creaking against the old wooden floor. He placed a comforting hand on Roman's shoulder and followed his gaze to the stars. The reflection of the moonlight in the window revealed Roman's face - a picture of melancholy and deep thought.

"Roman," Uncle Roy began, his voice heavy with sentiment. "This's not much, I know. But she's been my rock through thick and thin. She has her scars, just like us. When I found you, ash-covered, with burns marring your skin...I couldn't comprehend what could have happened." Uncle Roy's voice quivered slightly, but he steadied himself. "But those eyes...I knew something terrible had befallen you."

Roman swallowed hard, his gaze still fixed on the moon. "I... I want to tell you but... the pain... it's too much…" His voice, choked with emotion, trailed off into the silence of the room.

Uncle Roy, his expression softening, turned Roman towards him and pulled him into a tight, reassuring embrace.

"You don't owe me any explanations, Roman. From now on, we're in this together. You may not be blood, but you're all I have're my son..." His voice was thick with unshed tears.

Emerging from the emotional moment, Uncle Roy wiped his tears, his features transforming into a warm smile. "Now get some sleep, boy. We have a big day tomorrow," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Roman, taken aback, frowned slightly. "We actually have customers coming, Uncle? It's not like we're exactly on the beaten path here."

"No, you smart ass," Uncle Roy chuckled, trying to suppress his laughter. "There's a job on the quest board. It's perfect for you."

Roman's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Uncle, you know I can't use mana. What makes you think I can take it on?"

Uncle Roy merely winked, a broad grin on his face. "Just get some sleep. You'll find out soon enough. And be prepared for an early start."

With those final words, he closed the door, leaving Roman alone with his thoughts.

"Judging by that look... It can't be good. Not another job shoveling cow manure for cranky old Mrs. Vall. Roman sighed, resigning himself to his fate.

As he lay back onto his bed, his thoughts fluttered around the mystery quest. His mind, however, was slowly being claimed by sleep. As he drifted off, the story of Roman was just beginning.