Chapter 3: The Water Mage's Amulet

The thundering bellow of Uncle Roy reverberated through the air, striking Roman's eardrums with the force of a sonic boom.

"Wake up, Roman!"

Startled from his slumber, Roman tumbled out of bed, landing with a thud that echoed to the lowest level of the house. Frantically gathering himself, he threw on his battle-worn garments, a shirt tattered at the edges and jeans that bore the scars of many a fray.

Faced with his reflection, Roman noted how his jet black hair, disheveled and wild, was a perfect match for the deep onyx of his eyes.

"Man… I definitely need some new clothes," Roman muttered to himself, "The monster situation has been getting out of hand lately. I guess I should see what's got Uncle in such a state this early."

Descending the stairs, Roman was met with Uncle Roy's scheming grin. His brow furrowed, Roman couldn't help but wonder what plot his uncle had concocted this time.

"Listen, the job's simple. Shouldn't take the whole day," Uncle Roy said, the corners of his mouth twitching with barely contained amusement.

Job Quest:

- Water all crops.

Water mage needed.

"But Uncle, I'm no mage. How am I supposed to complete this quest? And there's not even a reward listed..." Roman protested, his voice dipping into melodrama.

"The reward isn't the point, Roman. You're helping someone, and that's what matters," Uncle Roy retorted, giving Roman a reassuring pat on the back. Then, with a conspiratorial gleam in his eye, he added, "Besides, I've got the perfect tool for you."

From within his cloak, Uncle Roy produced an amulet, its chain culminating in a blue diamond gem that shimmered with an otherworldly light.

"This amulet is imbued with water magic. Granted, it's rudimentary—can only conjure rain—but it's ideal for what you need," he explained, a wide grin spreading across his face.

Roman's eyes sparkled with the reflection of the gem. "Really?! I can use this?" The prospect of wielding magic, even the simplest spell, lit a fire within him. To wield mana was to be connected to a world he had always felt excluded from.

"Uncle, where did you get this? Something this valuable..." Roman began, a frown of concern creasing his forehead.

"Roman, I kept it hidden for this moment—to see the joy in your eyes when you'd cast your first spell. I won't be there to witness it, but just knowing is enough for me," Uncle Roy said, his voice softening.

"But what about the money my parents left? We could—" Roman attempted to argue, but his uncle cut him off.

"That money is for you, for your dreams, for when you're ready to explore the world. Don't worry about me; I'll manage. Now, off you go—daylight's wasting, and the client has been patient enough," Uncle Roy insisted, nudging him toward the door.

"Hold on, who's the client? Where should I even look?" Roman's confusion was palpable.

"Roman, there's only one other person around these parts," Uncle Roy called out, his tone playfully taunting.

"OH NO!" Roman exclaimed, a sudden realization dawning on him as he banged on the door in dismay. "Anyone but her... Uncle, you conniving old fox! You planned this!"

Uncle Roy's laughter was light and teasing as it filtered through the wood. "Better hurry, Roman. Mrs Val is not known for her patience, and you wouldn't want to get on her bad side."

Roman shot back, his voice tinged with mock threat, "I'll remember this, Uncle! Just you wait; I'll have my revenge!"

With a chuckle, Uncle Roy watched his nephew stride off into the day. "That boy's spirit is unbreakable," he mused, retreating to the comfort of his room. Collapsing onto the straw-filled pillow, he whispered just before sleep claimed him, "Good luck, Roman. May Mrs. Val be merciful."

Meanwhile, Roman's steps slowed as he allowed himself a moment of awe, the amulet's weight around his neck a tangible promise of magic to come. Despite the daunting task ahead, the chance to tap into the arcane thrilled him. His heart raced with every thought of the spell he was about to cast, a spell that signified his first true step into a larger world—a world where he might finally belong.

As Roman approached the edge of Val's lands, the looming silhouette of her estate sent a shiver down his spine. Mrs. Val, the client, was a formidable woman whose presence alone could command the elements it seemed. Today, he would have to face her with nothing but his wit and a novice's grasp of water magic.

Gathering his courage, Roman clutched the amulet, feeling the surge of magic within. Today, Roman would not just be a boy with dreams; he would be a mage, a wielder of the elements. And with a deep breath, he stepped forward, ready to face whatever trials awaited him under the watchful eye of the fierce Mrs. Val.