Chapter 4: The Enigmatic Estate

Roman's approach to Mrs. Val's manor was heralded by two statuesque wolves, their marble forms eerily lifelike, flanking an ornate gate. Its golden spikes gleamed menacingly in the sunlight, hinting at the opulence and power within. The mansion loomed beyond the gates, a testament to wealth, its architecture a seamless fusion of modern lines and medieval grandeur.

Guard 1's voice cut through the air, authoritative and cold. "State your business."

Guard 2, recognizing the visitor, chastised his colleague with a glance. "Do you have something in your eyes? It's Roman. Apologies, Roman. Mrs. Val awaits in her garden."

Roman nodded, masking his unease with a polite smile. "Thanks. Is good spirits today?"

Guard 2's face darkened, fear flashing across his features before he masked it with professionalism. "You'd best not keep her waiting," he advised, ushering Roman through the gates with a clear note of warning.

The estate's grandeur weighed heavily on Roman as he passed through its threshold. Each step seemed to erode his confidence, his mind a whirlwind of doubt and fear. The butler's words nearly escaped him, lost in his own anxiety.

"Don't worry, it'll all be over soon," the butler reassured him.

"What...what did you say?" Roman stammered, his palms slick with sweat.

The butler studied Roman's tense demeanor. "You needn't fret. Address Mrs. Val with the due respect, and all will be well."

Roman's eyes narrowed. "Then why do you sport a black eye?"

Discomfort flitted across the butler's face before he cleared his throat and guided Roman onward, ignoring the question.

Upon reaching the garden, Roman was struck by the sight of Mrs. Val, her beauty rivalling the vibrant flowers that surrounded her. Sunlight danced across her visage, illuminating her features with a radiant glow.

"So, you're the one taking over for your uncle," she said, her voice laced with intrigue as she turned to face him.

Roman's surprise was palpable. "Mrs. Val! Your appearance... it's changed." His words dripped with a facetious edge.

"Silence!" she snapped, her annoyance clear. "For your information, I've procured a rare artifact from the Demon Market. It cost a fortune, but the results are undeniable."

"The Demon Market?" Roman echoed, curiosity piqued.

Mrs. Val's gaze darkened. "A place of forbidden wonders and luxurious commodities. The staff you see? Mere 'norms,' incapable of mana use, their lives pledged to my service." A malevolent smile played upon her lips, her beauty marred by her malice.

Roman clenched his fists, anger welling within him as he struggled to maintain composure. He knew any misstep could be fatal.

Mrs. Val beckoned him with a mischievous grin. "Don't just stand there. Come, sit. It's not every day you get to bask in the presence of such beauty."

His heart pounded as he took a seat beside her, his gaze fixed on the grass below.

"I've heard you're a water mage," she mused, her eyes sharp. "Perform well, and I might just enroll you in a prestigious school for mages. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

She reached out, tilting his chin to force eye contact. "It's rude to ignore a lady."

Roman recoiled from her touch. "I should… attend to your crops now," he stammered, eager to escape her unsettling presence.

"Very well," Mrs. Val conceded with a wave of dismissal. "You'll find the fields to the north. Return here when you're done. I'll be waiting with tea."

Roman's mind raced as he departed. "She seemed less formidable than I remembered," he mused privately. But her parting threat echoed ominously in his ears. "That's more like the Mrs. Val I know."

Cool breezes soothed his fevered brow as he surveyed the vast wheat fields, his mind now preoccupied with a pressing dilemma. "How will I activate this amulet?" he muttered, revealing the hidden trinket.

Despite his intense focus, the water amulet remained unresponsive. He posed, he chanted, but the magic refused to awaken. Despair set in as he realized the truth: without mana, the amulet was nothing more than a decorative bauble.

Roman's frustration was palpable. He had to find a way to water the wheat—or face Mrs. Val's wrath. "The river... But that's impossible in time," he lamented, eyeing the endless stretch of crops.

Stealthily, he made his way to a shed on the mansion's west side, hopeful to find a conventional tool for his task. Unseen, a young butler observed Roman's furtive movements from a window.

Inside the shed, Roman's relief at locating a watering can was short-lived. The can, too, was imbued with a mana-dependent gem. "Even this requires magic?" he hissed in frustration.

A soft voice startled him. "Why does a water mage need a watering can?"

Roman whirled to face the speaker, a young boy in butler's attire. "Who are you?" he demanded, his face ashen.

The boy's grin was disarming. "I'm Theo, one of Mrs. Val's butlers," he said. "I couldn't help overhearing you and Mrs. Val. My apologies for eavesdropping."

Roman hesitated, torn between distrust and desperation. At last, he confided in Theo. "I'm not really a water mage. This amulet doesn't work—I have no mana. Please, you mustn't tell anyone."

Theo's expression softened. "I understand. I, too, am caught between worlds. My mother was a mage, my father a norm. Orphaned and desperate, I fell into servitude under Mrs. Val."

Roman empathized with Theo's plight, his own past reflecting in the boy's story.

Theo glanced at Roman's amulet. "Power level? That's a discussion for another time. You need to water the crops before she finds out. And hurry—she detests norms."

The watering can illuminated with a soft glow as Theo filled it with water, summoned by his modest mana. "I might be half-mage, but I can manage this much."

Roman watched, awestruck by the magic before him. "I didn't realize mana was so essential for everyday life," he admitted, feeling both admiration and a tinge of envy.

Theo nodded, handing the can to Roman. "To us, mana isn't just power—it's a part of our very existence. But you... you seem completely unaware."

"We can talk more later," Roman whispered, urgency in his voice. "For now, we need to be cautious of Mrs. Val."

Theo agreed, "Of course. I'll see you around, Roman. Be careful."

Roman watched Theo return to the mansion, his mind swirling with new information and the kindness of this unexpected ally. "I never expected to find someone I could relate to here," he contemplated, feeling a sense of camaraderie.

With the watering can in hand, Roman set to work. Though his task was daunting, Theo's aid had given him a sliver of hope. As he watered the fields, thoughts of his uncle's omissions and the outside world he knew so little about gnawed at him. He had much to learn, and his adventure was only just beginning.

The sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the estate as Roman worked tirelessly, his body aching but his determination unwavering. He couldn't afford to disappoint Mrs. Val, whose veiled threats were no less chilling for their elegance.

As the final rays of daylight faded, and the vast fields were tended to, Roman's thoughts turned to the amulet. Its secrets remained locked away, but he was now certain of one thing: he would need to uncover its mysteries if he was to survive in this world where mana was king and he, seemingly, a pauper.

With the wheat fields now glistening with moisture, Roman braced himself for the return to the garden, where Mrs. Val awaited. Her approval was essential, not just for his safety but perhaps for his future in this strange and magical realm.