Chapter 5: Veiled Bargain

The last droplets of water splashed onto the thirsty earth as Roman completed his arduous task under the fading light. The wheat fields, now satiated, shimmered under the moon's silver gaze. His muscles ached from the labor, but Roman held onto the satisfaction of the job done. He could not afford the luxury of rest, though, as the specter of Mrs. Val's impending judgment loomed over him.

As he approached the garden, the scent of blooming flowers clashed with the building tension in the air. Mrs. Val awaited him, reclining on an ornate chair, her gaze fixed upon him with a piercing intensity that sent shivers down Roman's spine.

"Ah, Roman," she purred, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "You've returned. Tell me, did you manage to complete the task I assigned?"

Roman, still catching his breath, nodded hesitantly. "Yes, Mrs. Val. The fields have been tended to."

A sly smile played on her lips as she leaned forward. "I must say, your efficiency is impressive. But there's something you should know, Roman."

Mrs. Val's gaze bore into him, and a cold dread settled in the pit of his stomach. She revealed a magical projected holographic displays. With a flick of her wrist, it activated, revealing a system of floating numbers and symbols.

"Mages like me have a little tool that allows me to assess the power levels of mages," Mrs. Val remarked, her eyes never leaving Roman's face. "It seems, dear Roman, that you have no power level at all."

The truth struck him like a blow, leaving him paralyzed with fear. Mrs. Val, with sinister delight, continued, "You see, I knew from the very beginning that you were no mage. A norm, in fact."

Roman stammered, attempting to form words to defend himself, but Mrs. Val raised a hand to silence him. "Ah, ah, no need for excuses. I find truth much more appealing than falsehoods."

She crossed her legs seductively, her eyes locking onto Roman's. "Now, Roman, I could expose your little secret. But where's the fun in that? Instead, I have an offer for you."

The air thickened with suspense as Mrs. Val unfolded her bargain. "I'll keep your true nature a secret, and I'll even write you a glowing recommendation to the prestigious magic school. In return, you'll owe me a favor, a debt to be repaid in the future."

Roman's mind raced, realizing the precarious position he was in. There was no way to lie his way out of this web of intrigue.

Mrs. Val's voice dripped with honeyed malice. "Think carefully, Roman. A norm like you could benefit greatly from the education at the magic school. But remember, debts to me are not to be taken lightly."

Before Roman could respond, Mrs. Val summoned Theo with a mere snap of her fingers. The young butler appeared, his face pale, knowing the peril they both now faced.

"Theo, dear," Mrs. Val purred, her voice a velvet threat. "You've been quite helpful to our friend here, haven't you?"

Theo, caught off guard, stammered, "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

Theo then stood silent, his eyes downcast, and as Mrs. Val's smile widened, the air itself seemed to thrum with power. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed a wind bullet, striking Theo in the ribs. The impact was sharp, precise. Theo gasped, his breath stolen, as he crumbled to the ground, clutching his side.

Roman watched in horror, understanding now the full extent of Mrs. Val's ruthlessness. She turned back to him, her smile still in place, as if she had merely swatted at a fly rather than inflicted pain on an innocent.

"Let this serve as a lesson," Mrs. Val began, her monologue chilling in its casual cruelty. "I am a woman of my word, but also one of expectations. Cross me, fail me, and there will be consequences. But serve me well, and the rewards can be... lavish."

"I… I understand," Roman said, his voice a mere whisper amidst the tense air.

She continued to look at Roman with a predatory smile. "Now, Roman, Theo's fate is in your hands. Accept my offer, attend the magic school, and perhaps, just perhaps, you might thrive in this world of magic."

With a flourish, Mrs. Val produced a small, ornate artifact. "Consider this a token of goodwill. It'll grant you temporary access to mana. Use it wisely, dear Roman."

As Roman accepted the artifact, a mixture of gratitude and trepidation filled him. The path ahead was uncertain, and the shadows of Mrs. Val's machinations loomed large. The enigmatic estate held more secrets than he could fathom, and his journey into the world of magic had taken an unexpected, and perhaps perilous, turn.