It is the motive behind an action that deems it fit for punishment. Many people do things they are not proud of because they were either forced to do it or had no other choice. I mean, when it comes down to it, no one would rather die than live, and if you're given a chance to keep your life, wouldn't you take it?

But what happens when keeping your life involves taking another? What if you were caught between killing a child or being murdered yourself, would you kill the child? The conscience of a man should be a founding factor when he makes decisions, especially when it involves doing something that would affect another. But then again, desperation and self preservation are sneaky bastards.

Fallas Haven was stacked with Drainiacs. These alien creatures resembled infants with extremely large brains bulging out of their heads. They moved around by levitating, and their eyes were a green slate without pupil or Iris. For some strange reason they always had a suit on, red, orange, green, and blue but never black, and because of that I usually call them boss babies.

The club hid in a corner west of Billy's Avenue, in the alley between two Caramel's twin skyscraper hotels. From the other side of the road you could see the party lights going off in the building, and the seemingly repeated quaking of the walls as the music boomed over and over.

Lemon got off the car, slamming the door shut and pulling out her Proton blaster. She set the blaster to the highest level, glaring at the building with all malicious intent.

"Whoa there Rambo, we're taking him in alive, remember?"

"Alive doesn't mean in one piece, does it?" She replied.

"I know you're angry," I replied holding her hand and returning the blaster's fire setting to the lowest, "but we're not the bad guys here Lemon, they are. We need to show them that we stand high above them!"

"You saw what he did to the girl," she said pushing the setting to medium. "Demons do not deserve mercy."

With that she laid the blaster on her shoulder and crossed the road with one hand in her pocket. I exhaled, following with my blaster ready to come out of my holster.

"You're not on the guest list," the bouncer's rusty voice vocalised as we approached. It was a Buserite, a brown hulk looking alien, and one of the biggest I've seen in a while.

Lemon had no time to talk, she flashed her badge at him, hoping he'd understand and let us in, but apparently this guy has a death wish.

"Move," he barked, pushing her aside.

The moment he laid his hand on her, I face palmed. Apparently this guy has never met an angry Zoarite before, and to meet Lemon seriously angry is to meet a hundred angry Zoarite.

"I don't like being touched," She said, trying to keep her cool.

"And you won't like me when I'm angry!" The bouncer replied with a frown. Totally a cliché move.

"We believe a murder suspect is using this club as a hideout," she said. "Preventing us from entering this club would be similar to obstructing justice, you'd be charged as an accomplice to the crime."

He leaned forward, bending down. "Come back when you have a freaking search warrant."

She snarled at him, clenching her fist as her eyes kept contact with his. Perhaps there was an untold hate shared between the Buserites and the Zoarites that I didn't know about, but it apparently seemed that they were fight flirting.

"That's enough of that," I said pulling her away. "We'd be back with the warrant shortly."

We got to the hover car and slammed the door shut after we got in. Using the Trooper's National Database Computer, we acquired the warrant and transferred the file to our Bandphones. It took three minutes total but the silence we sat in made it seem like we were in that car for ages. The moment we got that warrant, she jumped out the car with a focused determination.

"Lemon," I called with a warning tone. "Control yourself Lemon!!"

She ignored me, marching towards the doors of the club. I followed her swiftly, but was too late to prevent her from doing what she did to the bouncer.

"I said come back with a—"

She raised her hand up against his face and the holographic warrant appeared right before it, then she folded the screen and grabbed his head, pushing it forward and slamming it against the floor, creating tiny crevices in the floor. He passed out immediately.

She burst through the doors, running into the dancing aliens and the floating Drainiacs drinking alcohol and being wasted. The DJ stopped the music for a second as she had grabbed the attention of everyone in the room.

"Hey yoooo!!" The DJ exclaimed, "let's give it up for the hot Zoarite crashing the party!!"

The crowd, just like any crowd in a club, cheered in response to that, dancing to the music he had restarted. Lemon and I walked through the crowd, looking around, checking for any table with unusual orders. Oblivious to our knowledge, someone else in the crowd was watching us.

After a few forced dance ins and some head bops, we spotted the exact conditions we were looking for. A table filled with fast foods and energy drinks with a man, wearing a brown patched suit with a black inner shirt unbuttoned from the top down to the chest region. He was alone in the booth, looking extremely tired. We smirked, looking at each other. Then we approached him.

The moment he saw us, he was completely spooked. He freaked out and jumped into the dancing crowd. We immediately followed him, walking carefully through as our eyes laid on his head, but at a certain point, it looked like we had lost him. The moment Lemon thought that, she raised her blaster up and sent two shots in the air making everyone go down, everyone except the floating Drainiacs and the man we were chasing.

The moment he noticed that we had seen him, he dashed off, running for the doors. We instantly followed, chasing him out the club. He was fast, but unfortunately for him, we were faster. We caught him by the fire hydrant after the hotel on the left hand side of the club.

"It's over, you sick piece of shit!" Lemon sneered, holding her gun against his head.

"Whoa, language!" I said as she pulled him to the car.

"Please, please don't kill me," the Mind Walker said.

"Murderers don't get to plead for their lives," I replied.

"Especially sick murderers like you who drive some sick pleasure in seeing children suffer before they die!" Lemon barked.

"I didn't have a choice!" He cried as Lemon pressed him against the hood of the car. "He said he'd fold my flesh into a box made of my skeleton and send them to the core of Jupiter!"

"What the f…that's some high class threat," I said looking at Lemon.

"Who?" Lemon asked, raising his body up and slamming it back in the hood, "who are talking about!"

"I didn't see his face!" He exclaimed in reply. "But he calls himself Halo th—-"

Before he could finish, his head burst into pieces like a popped balloon.

"That's enough talking from you today," a cracked, rasping voice said from behind up.

We immediately turned with our blasters up but before we could assess the situation and attack, the voice commanded with a loud tone;


Immediately we lost our will to move. It was like our bodies had turned to mannequins but our brains were still active and our eyes moved. As we struggled to break free in our mind, our eyes fell on the one who gave the command and who blew up the mind walker's head.

It was a Drainiac. A Drainiac with an evil look on his face, and glowing blue eyes! Those freaking blue eyes again!

"Ezra Caster!" He sneered. "Bringing you to the master shall bring glory to Halo and I. Prepare to return the power that is not yours and meet your doom!"