We were in deep shit! I knew Drainiacs were powerful telepaths and empaths but there was nothing in the Trooper's records about them being telekinetic! Yeah, we knew they floated in the air but there had been no proof, not one, that a Drainiac had the ability to move things with their mind! Or maybe it wasn't telekinesis, maybe it was something else.

The Drainiac looked sideways, then at us. Then he exhaled and stretched his arm towards the air.

"System activate!" He commanded.

Immediately a transparent blue screen a feet and a half wide and thirteen inches in height appeared before him. I could see it, he could see it…I couldn't tell if she could see it because I couldn't turn my head but I'm totally sure she saw it too.

"Hmph," he said, staring at the screen with a frown. "I thought I got enough power stones to unlock that stupid teleportation ability. What did I use it for?"

My heart leapt when I heard those words. I was feeling a mixture of fear and utter surprise. He scrolled through the icons then he stopped at one.

"I guess this will suffice," he said, pressing an icon on the screen and then folding the screen. He turned to our left and gave another command, saying;


The moment he uttered those words, a yellow portal boomed open. It was blinding. He picked us up with his mind, floating in through the portal while he dragged us along. With the way we were floating, Lemon's face and my face were towards each other— I could see the fright in her eyes. I had to break free before things went out of hand.

Little did I know things were about to go extremely out of hand. The moment he took us through that portal, it was over, the end of the line.

On the other side of the portal was a room thirty feet high, laced with grey giant stone tiles and fifteen foot statues of muscular figures in black armours that resembled those of the old swordsmen of Camelot.

There were twelve of these statues, one on each corner of the room, fifty feet apart from each other, while two stood in the middle, twenty-five feet away from the statues in the corner and sixty feet away from the remaining two on the other side of the room. Each of the statues held a weapon and had a pillar next to it.

In the middle of the room was an elevated, four corner step platform with a blue door in the middle of it. There was nothing connected to the door, no walls, no nothing. It was like a door from that Doctor Who TV series. The room as a whole had the resemblance of a temple.

The Drainiac raised our frozen bodies thirteen feet above the door, and then he began floating back and forth, as though he was pacing.

It was as if he was expecting someone. We watched him as he paced to and fro, trying to figure out what he was waiting for, then it dawned on us like daybreak. He was waiting for Halo.

The moment I realised that, I struggled mentally to break free, more than I was struggling previously. I had to free myself and save Lemon before it was too late. But the portal was gone and we did not know where the hell we were. My heart pounded hard as I struggled, moving my eyes around, I sought an exit for when I freed myself and grabbed Lemon to escape. But apparently there were none.

"What's taking him so long?" The Drainiac muttered to himself, halting in his pacing. "I thought he'd be here by now, he's usually early. Hmm."

He looked up at us, we gave him death stares with our eyes, looking all morbid despite the fact we couldn't move any other part of our bodies.

"Hmm," he glared, "he's of a higher rank than me, so he's the only who can open the door. Nonetheless, it doesn't mean I have to stay idle. I'll take care of the girl before he comes, she's of no use to us."

He stretched out his hand and pulled Lemon toward him. This was bad, very bad. I could sense the allure of murder in the air and see the evil intent he had in his eyes. He was going to kill my partner. With even more determination I struggled to release myself while I watched Lemon get closer and closer to him. I felt frustrated, powerless.

He stopped Lemon at a proper distance from him, then he telekinetically widened her arms and her legs like a starfish and started twisting her body as if squeezing a jean trouser dry—he was trying to twist her to death.

But her bones were just too strong, the skeleton of a Zoarite was tougher than diamonds. Her skin ripped apart like a torn piece of material, the skin of her knee, elbow, and neck tore and her blood spilled out, but her bones were still in tact. Her eyes seemed to be bulging out and her face was ripping apart, I couldn't watch, I couldn't bear to watch!

To top it all up, a green portal appeared, stopping him in his tracks. He paused looking at the portal, she looked at it and so did I. We watched in anticipation, waiting for the one who opened the portal to come out, perhaps a saviour? Someone who had come to save us from this despair.

Out came a foot, leather boot, clean and polished. The foot pulled in the rest of the owner's body…long oxblood jacket, a red cane next to the other foot. Black jeans, beautiful black hair and a chiselled chin. And blue eyes, again with those freaking blue eyes. A tear fell out of Lemon's eye as we fully realised who it was. Halo the Reaper.

When he saw the situation we were in, his eyes lit with fear.

"What the hell are you doing Levion!"

"Finishing the girl off," the Drainiac replied, "what does it look like?"

"The master wants BOTH of them alive!"


They began arguing while we hung over their heads. This was bad, really bad. Lemon had lost too much blood, she was going to die and it seemed something ghastly was waiting for us on the other side of that door. I had to do something, no matter how trivial, to even the odds while they were distracted.

I tried to form energy spheres but my fingers weren't moving. I tried to go berserk but apparently that wasn't a voluntary part of my powers. If only there was a way, I thought to myself.

Then suddenly like a memory flash I recalled a free icon on my status screen that read 'Mind blown', I didn't know what It meant and I didn't care, I just wanted a way, a chance to save Lemon. It was worth a shot. Since my mouth wasn't going to move, I used my mind.

"System activate," I thought.

Immediately the large status screen appeared right in front of me for all to see.

"Holy stardust!" Halo said when he noticed it.

"What, what is…"

Before Levion could turn around I had already said the word in my mind. I could not access the Power Ranking icon with my fingers so I took a shot in the dark and said it anyway;

"Mind blown!"

Immediately my subconsciousness took over, a similar condition compared to when I go berserk, but this time it was a bit different. I was given a little amount of control. A gust of wind filled the temple, violently creating tiny tornados. My eyes glowed blue and my body had broken free from the curse of the Drainiac. Halo briskly slipped back into the portal he created and then he closed it leaving Levion alone with me.

"Whatever!" He exclaimed. "I don't need you, I can handle this fool myself!"

He levitated past Lemon's body, but with a wave of my hand I pushed aside before he got to me, slamming him against the wall twenty feet away from me. Then I put Lemon in a protective air bubble, and pulled her near me telekinetically. When my subconscious noticed she was safe next to me, it created a protective force field around both bodies and then focused its attention on Levion. Vengeance was all I felt oozing from it. At this point, I no longer had any control.

My body leaned forward, and out of my forehead came a powerful laser beam that laid waste to the temple, destroying it from head to toe with Levion in the midst of the fire. That alien died getting squished like a bug by one of the giant pillars that fell.

But despite the death of Levion, my subconscious was still going on a rampage. With the body we shared, it brought the temple down to nothing, destroying the door in the middle, which was the only lead we had to this whole case. Lemon had fainted and it seemed there was no way to stop the burning laser shooting out of my forehead.