Dawn fell in a manner that almost resembled what you see in fairytale movies. I woke up before her, kissing her good morning before standing up to get the hotel phone. I was going to order in some breakfast. When I turned to look at her before leaving for the phone, I was mesmerized.

The bedsheets covered her body in a seductive way, laying only on her butt region. Her bare back and the curve that led it to her waist looked like what was carved by angels and her legs where phenomenal. Could this goddess of a person really be that into me?

I turned towards the phone, picking it up and ordering the biggest meal I could, on Laos expense of course, don't want to, get caught, and we did work up a large appetite she and I. After I was done ordering, I turned back, heading for the bed, when I heard a familiar voice.

"Well look what we have here," he said.

It was Ezekiel. He was wearing yet another strange anime outfit, something about Goku? He had a knack of appearing without warning and always at the oddest places. There he was, standing before the bed with a grin on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whispered, pulling him away from the bed.

He looked down at my nude body and nodded.

"Hmm, hmm," he said as he nodded. "You really are my son."

I quickly got my boxers and put them on, taking him out of the bedroom. I pulled up a bottle of the leftover whiskey Lemon and I drank from the previous night, poured him a glass and took a seat.

"Seriously dad, what's up?" I asked, looking at his strange outfit.

"I got worried," he said taking a sip from he glass cup. "You haven't been to Arena in days, I thought you were dead."

I chuckled, taking a gulp of my drink.

"I can't die that easily dad," I replied.

He laughed a little, then out of nowhere the air became stiff and serious. He had this stern look on his face as he stared at his glass, twirling the whiskey inside.

"I heard you met Urian and Silvia," he said, drinking the whole thing and pouring himself another glass.

I nodded in reply.

"And you fought them?"

I nodded once more in reply.

"Did you win?" He asked with a smirk.

That question was very predictable, many fathers are like this. He looked at me with a glow of excitement in his eyes as he awaited my answer. I exhaled, about to give him the answer that he wanted to hear, when we heard a scream, it came from the door of the bedroom. It was Lemon, appalled by the sight of Ezekiel. What she was seeing was a translucent individual, almost like a ghost. I immediately stood up, and Laos burst into the room, armed and ready for a fight.

"What?!" We exclaimed.

"What is it?!" I asked.

"An intruder, attacker?" Laos asked. "Did he run away, do we have to move again?"

"Gho…gho…ghost!" She stuttered, pointing at Ezekiel.

"Ain't no way," Ezekiel said, surprised.

Laos looked at my direction, then he looked around.

"Are you serious?" He asked with a look of doubt. "I don't see any ghosts, or are you referring to Ezra. By the way, why are you guys in your under—"

He gasped, looking at both of us with a mischievous grin.

"Alright, it's time to go," Lemon said, pushing him out of the room.

"Ezra, you sly dog!" He exclaimed as Lemon slammed the door against his face.

She turned, looking directly at Ezekiel. She slowly walked towards him, getting closer to me in the process.

"Um, Earth to Lemon," I said. "Are you there?"

"I'm telling you Ezra, he's standing right there, next to you. A man, a ghost of a man, he looked almost like you…actually, he looks exactly like you. Hold on, is this one of your tricks?"

I exhaled.

"I don't recall having tricks in the first place."

She smiled.

"That's not what you said in the bedroom last night?" She replied, walking closer to me and sitting on my lap.

"Hmm, is that so?" I smiled looking up at her.

"Hmm hmm, you showed me a lot of tricks last night," she replied, caressing my hair. "I wouldn't mind learning more."

"Oh, that can be arranged," I replied, drawing her closer.

"Hey, hey, I didn't come here to watch you guys have sex you know!" Ezekiel said, poking his head in-between up.

Lemon gave a quiet gasp, getting off my lap. I exhaled, folding my arms.

"I didn't invite you here in the first place," I replied.

"What?" Lemon asked.

"Oh I wasn't talking to you darling, I was talking to him," I replied, pointing at Ezekiel.

"So you can see him too?" She asked.

"Anyone who's a Guardian or a knight can see him," I replied. "No one else can, I still don't know why, but I'm sure it has something to do with the Arena and the Guardian's abilities. It is quite surprising that you can hear and see him."

"Barely," she replied, folding her arms. "He looks like a ghost from my viewpoint. "So, if that's the case, you must be Ezekiel, Ezra's dad. Nice to meet you."

She stretched out her hand for a shake, but could not make physical contact with him.

"Hmm," Lemon said. "That's intriguing."

"What's intriguing," Ezekiel replied. "Is your ability to see me despite not being a Guardian or a knight. I heard you also entered the Arena and was able to move. What, no, who really are you?"

"Lemonario Acrillia, daughter of the assassin clan of Zoar. A detective but a Trooper foremost. My friends call me Lemon. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, future father-in-law."

She smiled after saying that, leaving Ezekiel shocked and surprised.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked.