Ezekiel exhaled at the sound of her reply, he folded his hands and found somewhere on the chair's armrest to sit.

"Something's not right here," he said with a pondering look on his face.

Holding his chin and assuming a thinking pose he stared at Lemon for a long while that it was getting quite awkward, afterall, she was still in her underwear.

"What are you staring at, you pervert?" She angrily pointed.

"Oh," He grunted, taking his eyes off her. "Sorry about that."

"That's some perverted moves you got there," I teased, looking at him.

"Hey, hey, I said I was sorry," he gestured. "Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill here."

I smirked, chuckling a little as I placed my right foot on my left knee, as though I were some mafia boss. Lemon exhaled, shaking her head. She left the room and went back into the bedroom in order to throw some clothes on. I turned, looking at Ezekiel, he was still pondering on the mystery of Lemon's ability to see him, even if it was fake. I exhaled.

"Seriously dad," I said, dropping my right leg. "Does that really matter right now?"

He grunted in response, his brows looked tense and serious for a minute and a half. Then he assumed a more relaxed expression and sighed.

"I guess you're right," he replied. "What matters now is how you ended up having sex with a Zoarite."

I almost fell off my chair with that abrupt change of topic. He really got me with that one, that was the last thing I was expecting him to say. I chuckled in reply, rubbing the back of my head.

"I noticed how she called me her future father-in-law," he said, standing up from the armrest of the chair. "Have you proposed already?"

"Uh…no." I replied.

"No?" He asked, surprised.

"It's a gradual process dad, I haven't decided yet."

"What's there to decide?" He shrugged. "You had sex with a Zoarite, that's hard for many. A Zoarite only mates with his or her kind, there's very rare data on them having interspecie relationships, only three I think."

"What?" I asked, surprised.

He nodded in reply.

"They say that if a Zoarite chooses to have sex with someone outside their species, that would mean that his or her heart, reasoning and emotions have been stolen by that person. It's the actual personification of true love, and like I said, it's very rare."

"Wow," I replied, looking at the floor. "I didn't know that."

Just then, the doorbell rang. It was the food I had ordered earlier.

"Room service," the voice of the hotel attendant echoed.

I opened the door, watching as the man rolled in and arranged the food while Ezekiel stared at him suspiciously. Of course he could not see him, but I couldn't help but chuckle a little at the way Ezekiel was staring at him. After the attendant was done, he rolled out the door and I gave him a tip.

"That looks delicious," Ezekiel said, looking closer at the food.

"Yeah, well I didn't make an order for you, so…"

"Oh," he replied with a smirk. "Morning breakfast after late night sex huh? Nice, I like it. Your mom and I used to do that."

"Whoa. Too much information dad," I replied immediately. "And could you please stop saying sex over and over again?"

"What's wrong with the word sex?" He asked.

I exhaled, facepalming. Right then, Lemon walked out the room, wearing a beautiful gown that emanated her beauty.

"Well, I gotta go," Ezekiel said as soon as we laid eyes on her. "You two have fun, don't forget you're being hunted by the Null Standing, so stay alert. Oh and Ezra, remember what I told you."

At that he disappeared.

"Isn't he staying for breakfast?" Lemon asked.

"He's a mystery," I shrugged in reply.

"Well," she said, taking a seat at the dinner table. "Now that he's gone, it'll be easier to say what I want to say to you."

"What you want to say to me?" I asked, also taking a seat.

"Yeah," she replied.

Then she began eating in silence, leaving me wondering what exactly she wanted to say. It gave me time to think though, about what Ezekiel said. I thought as I ate, the idea of having Lemon's heart in my hands made me ecstatic and nervous at the same time. I was happy that she felt that way about me but also I felt the pressure of letting her down and breaking her heart. The last thing I would want to happen was watch that beautiful smile of hers wiped off and that I be the one who caused it.

Right at that moment, I had made up my mind, I would marry this angel and do everything in my power to keep that smile on her face. I loved her and was not afraid to say it, I was about to say something but she beat me to it.

"Last night was fun, wasn't it?" She asked, dropping her spoon.

It caught me off guard, the question. But I chuckled so she would not notice, nodding my head. Indeed, last night was the most fun I have had my entire life.

She smiled.

"You might not have noticed Ezra," she continued. "But I've had feelings for you for a while now…ever since we caught our first criminal together."

What? That was a long time ago. She kept her feelings about me secret all these time? That explains a lot, how she was always worried about me and always scolded me for being reckless and slacking off.

"I was getting so attached even Chief noticed," she chuckled. "He told me not to rush it, that everything happens in its own season. I guess he was right."

Of course the Chief noticed it, and he probably gave me clues about it too. I was too dumb at the time to understand. Well I understand now, and I'm not going to let this chance pass me by. After all, true love isn't something you find everyday.

"That's why," she continued, "I want you to —"

"Marry me Lemon," I interrupted, looking at her with a serious stare.

She gasped, looking at my eyes. Then she smiled, a smile that gradually became laughter.

I raised an eyebrow, confused a little.

"Did I say something funny?" I asked.

"No," she replied, reducing her laughter. "It's just that, I was sure I was going to be the one to say those words."

She then brought out a golden ring from her pocket, much to my surprise, placing it on the table.

"I got this yesterday, I was planning to propose to you after the date, but we ended up doing…something else."

I smiled after finally understanding the situation, for a moment there I thought she was laughing at my proposal.

"Silly you," I chuckled. "Don't you know it's the guy that's supposed to propose?"

She smiled, resting her chin on her left hand.

"Well then, do it properly," she replied, pushing the ring towards me.

"Of course," I said.

I picked the ring up and knelt down on one knee before her with a smirk on my face. She grinned, putting her hands together and looking at me with utter excitement.

"Lemon," I began. "Will you give me the gift of spending the rest of my life with you and dying in your arms as your husband?"

She chuckled a little.

"That's a little unorthodox," she replied. "But yes. I will. I want to love you eternally."

I slid the ring into her finger and stood up with a grin. She stood up excitedly, jumping on me as she hugged me tight. Just at that moment Laos opened the door of the room, walking in with a sad stare. We instantly assumed the worst.

"What is it, Laos?" I asked.

"What happened?" Lemon added.

"It's the Chief," he replied. He sounded like he had a lump in his throat.

Lemon and I immediately gasped.

"What happened to the Chief?" We asked simultaneously.
