Force to be Reckoned With

In the afternoon the Jenner's family is having a meeting together with the Acosta family, Gonzales family, Rocks family and Lopez family. The atmosphere of the room is grim because of the news of alliance between Douglas family and Wade family. Joey Lopez the patriarch of the Lopez family broke the silence "My friends they are really a formidable enemy and our chances are relatively low" everyone nodded their heads.

Vic Gonzales also spoke "as expected the Wade will join the fight, they're greedy too"

"Yes they want to have our wealth too. They are attacking our businesses before if not for Mr. Jenner they will not stop" Ric also added.

"That's why we are willing to fight alongside you Mr. Jenner. You helped us before and made us one of the S rank family in the city. Even if we lose we will have no regrets" Bill Rocks and the others are very determined to fight for the Jenners.

"My old friends please don't call me Mr. Jenner, you guys are my friends and I treat your family as my family too. I am very grateful that all of you for standing up for us." Robert is really grateful to have a friends like them.

Seeing the determination and worry in their eyes. He proceed to tell them the truth of how the Jenners are able to rise to the top. Of course Robert didn't tell them about the engagement of Bonna and the young master of the mysterious force.

Everyone in the room are shocked, they can't believe that there's a mysterious force that's watching in the shadows but the same question is lingering their minds. 'How strong is this force? can they be stronger than Douglas?'

They hoped that the force is at least strong as the Douglas, in that way they have a chance to defeat the Douglas and Wade family alliance. While they are discussing on how they will attack the the two families, the door of the hall was pushed open.

A man with a combination of black and white hair, wearing gold rimmed eyeglasses, an expensive suit and watch walks towards the five helmsman.

"I'm sorry for my intrusion, I am Andrew Kennedy" he smiled at them. Shock and awe are visible to the faces of everyone in the hall. 'Andrew Kennedy? The wealthiest man in the country?

"Oh My God"

"That's the wealthiest man in the country"

"I can't believe that I saw the wealthiest man in the country, I can die in peace now"

"What is he doing here in our meeting?"

"Maybe he will help us about the Douglas and Wade family alliance "

The five helmsman are confused too but they welcomed Andrew and they let him seat at the Master's seat of the Hall.

"Mr. Kennedy what brings you here?"

"Yes Mr. Kennedy we will serve you as best as we can"

"Just tell us your orders sir"

The five helmsman are not sure why Kennedy is here besides compare to the other Cities in the Central Region, Oracle City is just a small City. They knew they can't afford to mess with the Kennedys. The Hall is silent waiting for Andrew to speak.

"I know what happened and the battle that will erupt in the City." He look at the the five helmsman. "You will be defeated in this battle, so why are you still standing with the Jenner family?"

His words sparked an uproar in the crowd. 'did he wants the Jenners to be annihilated?'

"Why waste your future? Can you bear to see that your wealth that you gather in a long time just be shared by others?" his words pierced through the hard of the four helmsman.

"And you Mr. Jenner, they are your friends they will fight alongside you. You know that the chances of victory are low so why you didn't stop your friends and even dragged them into this? Are you really a friend?" his words are very sharp and everyone lowered their heads. After a long silence Robert lifted his head and look straight into Andrew's eyes.

"Mr. Kennedy you are right the odds are against us and I don't want them to suffer, if the Jenners are destined to be destroyed then we will accept it but we will not go down without a fight"

"Mr. Kennedy this is our matters, if not for the Jenners our family will be always an A tier family in the City. We said before that we don't have any regrets. Almost everything we own comes from the Jenners."

"That's right if you showed up hear just to break our alliance then forgive us for being stubborn and hostile"

"We know that you are powerful and if you want fight us, we will fight you too" the four helmsman look at Robert, to them he is their leader. Robert is very emotional because of his friends, he is assured that even if he dies the Jenners still have some people to rely on.

Robert regain his composure and a dignified and powerful aura burst into his body. Everybody in the room are in awe and the four helmsman of the four family are very excited. Being their leader for a long time they feel that they're back in the day when they are young. Robert a strong and powerful leader in their eyes.

"Mr. Kennedy my friends have spoken, we known each other for a very long time and you are not in the right place to order us. This is our personal matters please show us some respect." He is domineering Christine his wife teared up a little 'that's my husband, I'm proud of you my dear'

Even Bonna and her friends can't believe that her grandfather are very domineering. She idolized his grandfather because of his personality and talent in business. As a matter of fact when she's just a little she always ask her grandfather about businesses and her grandfather thought her many things.

'The determination and bravery of this helmsman are insane. That's why Master chosen his family' Andrew smirked.

"Good you have some balls to talk back to me" he turns to the crowd and told them "this is a matter between the Helmsman please leave"

"No way we're not gonna leave here"

"Yes we don't know what you have in mind we will protect our grandpa"

"Mr. Kennedy you are the one who barged in and told us some nonsense and now you want us to leave? You maybe powerful than us but I guess your parents didn't teach something about your manners"

Everyone gasped as Bonna stand and yelled at Andrew. 'is Bonna courting death?'

Andrew frowned and turns to Bonna "You are smart and I admire people like you but little girl you are still a kid if you offend somebody out there that is much more powerful than your family it will be your own downfall"

"Bonna Mr. Kennedy is still your elder, besides he is right we as the head of our families will discuss this"

"But grandpa.."

William finally spoke "Bonna it's not your place to speak with the Helmsman, calm down. This is your grandfathers orders we'll leave for now"

Bonna can't do anything but to follow. "Bonna its alright our grandfathers are with Grandpa Robert, they will do anything to protect him" her friends reassured her. All of them can't do anything but sigh and left.

The five helmsman and Andrew stayed pin-drop silent. The air is very intense even the four helmsman started breaking a sweat. Suddenly Andrew clap his hands and a warm smile is visible in his lips.

"Great! You guys are worthy my trip here is not wasted" everyone is dumbfounded as he laugh.

"Mr. Kennedy what do you mean?"

"Can you please enlighten us?"

"I know all of you are confuse as to why I'm here and as to why I'm trying to destroy your alliance" everyone is silent and wants to know the reason.

"First I tried to break your alliance to see if you Mr. Robert and your friends are worthy for our help. This is an order from my master"

'what? He tested us if we are worthy?'

'The wealthiest man in the country Mr. Andrew Kennedy has a Master?'

What Kennedy said is like a bombshell to them. Every people in the country knows Andrew Kennedy as the wealthiest man in the country but he has a Master and his Master wants to help them.

Seeing their faces he smiled and ask Robert. "Mr. Jenner you raised Ms. Jenner well I am amazed and My Master pick the right woman for our young master. I'm sure you're not against the marriage right?"

Robert trembled a hunch come up in his mind. "How.. how did you know about the marriage?"

The other helmsman are shocked to see Robert trembling.

"I'm sure you pretty well know us Mr. Jenner, I'm sure you call us Mysterious Force"

They want to ask more questions but the revelation dawn into them. They can't even utter a single word, the Helmsman of the five families are too stunned to speak...