The Strongest Ally

The five helmsman are covered in sweat. They are smart and they quickly guess that the wealthiest man in the country is just a subordinate of that mysterious force. They instantly knew that he was sent here to settle the marriage. They already understand that Bonna Jenner will be married to their young master. If that mysterious force can just send the wealthiest man in the country to do some task then how powerful is this mysterious force? Just by thinking about its massive power is enough to send shivers down to their spine.

'they want to marry Bonna into their young master, she will enjoy glory and wealth in this lifetime'

'just how promising the future of the Jenners'

"Mr. Kennedy does that mean that you're from that mysterious force from 7 years ago?" Robert's tone was calm but he's still trembling.

Andrew just laughed "I knew you would be surprised, yes I am and My Master wants Ms. Jenner to be married to our young master. You don't have to worry our young master is a capable man and he is the heir of the family. We are allies here so please don't be afraid of me"

They sighed in relief when Andrew confirm their alliance. 'Thank God we side with the Jenners, our families future will be secured and we will reach a new heights' The five helmsman are excited and happy, they no longer feel the pressure of their enemies. To them the Douglas and Wade family is just an ant compare to the mysterious force. They didn't even need to take the matters personally they just send other people to do their bidding.

"Mr. Jenner, I was sent here by my Master to make sure that nothing goes wrong and about the battle between your alliance and the other. My Master said that we will help you but it is not the right time to for you to fight them. My Master wants you to destroy them personally and we will help you rise into the ranks. We will boost your family's businesses and your allied families too"

The five helmsman are all over the moon. They thank Andrew and the mysterious force.

"The only thing you need to do is make Ms. Jenner agree to the marriage. Don't waste your time planning to attack them and how to defend their attacks. We will move one of the companies of my Master here in this City. I want each of your family to come up with the best contract so we can boost your power."

"Yes Mr. Kennedy we will work on it"

"But Mr. Kennedy can you please give us some information about the company?"

"Yes Mr. Kennedy we need information to create a perfect collaboration for the new company that will enter the market in our City "

They're so eager to start the collaboration and they don't want to waste time. Seeing this Andrew softly chuckled "you guys can't wait to be more wealthy no?"

The Helmsman of the five families blushed in embarrassment. 'this is not good, we need to leave a good impression'

"Well then the company that will enter in your City's market is the Stargaze Corporation and I want you to keep your mouth shut about this. We contacted the officials too and we are ready to establish a branch here in your City"

All of them excluding Kennedy are shocked, they didn't imagine that one of the large corporations in the country will establish a branch in their City. If they successfully become partners of the Stargaze Corporation it will definitely boost their revenue in three years tenfold. Oracle City is in the northern region of Dauran Country, the northern region is divided into two the Ore Land and Cryst Land. Oracle City is located in the Ore region, in the Ore region although Oracle City is just a medium size city it's still one of the cities that has a great potential in economy. In Ore Land there's only 4 branch of Stargaze Corporation and clinching a collaboration from a large corporations will bring them to a whole another level.

All of them are trembling in excitement. "Mr. Jenner we will keep our promise and we are ready to help you, I hope you keep the end of the bargain. That's all for now I will personally contact you if there's any orders from my master, I'll leave for now thank you for your cooperation gentlemen" he smile and walk out. The five helmsman followed him until he got in his car and left.

The members of the five families are curious of what happened inside the hall but they don't have the courage to ask. The five helmsman ordered their family members to go home.

When Bonna and her family went home they can't help but be worried about the future of their family. They're facing two formidable family in the city.

8 o'clock in the evening..

The telephone suddenly rang and William answered the call. "Dad its late why are calling? Did something happened?" His face is full of worry. Bonna and her mother rush in and listen to William and Robert but to their surprise Robert's tone is calm. "Oh son there's nothing to worry about, everything is going well I just called because I want you to tell Bonna that I will send to her tomorrow morning about a details of a certain company and you and her to make a project" the family are dumbfounded

"Dad we are facing a huge crisis here, we can be annihilated we don't have the manpower to do another project"

"Son do you want to win or not? I'm not asking for your opinion I'm ordering you and Bonna" Robert's voice suddenly turned cold.

William shivered this is the dad he knew the formidable head of Jenner's family.

"Yes dad we will accomplish the task" William's forehead is full of sweats. As he heard his father's laugh.

"Son the success of your collaboration will be the key of our victory in this battle" after that Robert hung up.

As for William and his family they're still can't comprehend the actions of Robert. 'No wait if this will be the key of our victory against the Douglas and Wade family does that mean this is Dad's trump card?  there something happened in the hall I'm pretty sure..