
'I died... It was a horrible kind of death.'


'So painful, I was so scared and so lonely too. I never want to ever feel that again.'

*crack* rip*

'So I'll do whatever it takes to get power, to get stronger and stronger still... even if it means dying some more.'

The gene restructuring process had officially begun, after the initial bout of pain, one would think Teke would get used to the feeling of his cells being disintegrated and use the energy beam as a furnace, his willpower as his mighty hammer, and finally forge his body to perfection and get rid of impurities settled in the depth of his body. Impossible all Teke discovered after the initial pain, was only more heart-wrenching, gut-stabbing, and brain-damaging pain but this pain couldn't compare to the disappointment of failing this and fucking the lives of everyone who depends on him, he obviously couldn't let that happen. Clearing stray thoughts from his head, he focused hard on what was going on within his body. Going back in time to intercept the danger that befell humanity didn't leave him charging head first without any special abilities, along with his memories and strong willpower, one other aspect from his future accompanied him on his wild journey to the past, unparalleled mind power. Before his death, his mind power level had been on the border of 50, coming back now and experiencing this torture led him to experience a breakthrough and finally enter the 50th level.

Mind you, the gap between levels 49 and 50 is not as simple as adding one-to-one, it can't even be brought down with comparisons to multiplication or even to think of having it compounded. The 50th level was a watershed, a turning point. At this stage, one would be able to perform low-level instantiation, gaining the ability to control the movement of objects with one's mind power. It doesn't end there though, another perk is the ability to sort of influence the actions of lower-level beings. Mind power is important because it grants the ability to 'examine' what exactly the changes one was going through. With such a high mind power level, examining the process of his cells breaking down into nothingness was hardly a shuffle, although the pain currently wrecking his very being said otherwise.

After getting rid of his distractions and finally gathering the willpower to ignore a bit of the pain, he focused deeply and a scene so catastrophic yet so gorgeous played before his mind's eyes. The cells in his body were disintegrating, each DNA molecule scattering into pieces a hundred billion times tinier than dust.

'Good, everything is as it should be. Hmm, what's this?'

Noticing with his mind's eye that there seemed to be some strange power other than the energy beam turning his body into nothingness. Yes, after all, how can such pure power disintegrate a living being, if power was too much, the vessel should explode no?

'A law... Only the second time I've seen one in action, no, the first couldn't even be described as me seeing, more like I perceived it. This one seems way different from that one though, I don't even need to guess, this is the Law of Annihilation. I've only read about it in scriptures and yes the monument seemed to emphasize the horrific and devastating nature of annihilation, I'll have to check it out as soon as the game space opens.'


'To think I'd have something so destructive yet so beautiful wreaking havoc in me, I guess it's time to turn you into my power now... Let's get this over with, mphhff it hurts like crazy.'

Taking in a deep breath, Teke knew that it would probably be his last, he sped up the disintegration process. His dark skin cracked all over before giving way to bones as white as snow but that only lasted for a moment as his once snow-white bones lost their vitality, looking brittle and waiting to be turned to nothingness. After his bones vanished like fuel after a five-hour-long drive, his organs began failing. One by one his organs disappeared leaving behind just a beating heart and a ball of consciousness where his brain rested some dozen seconds ago. His blood dried up, and his heart stopped beating. He was dead. Again.