Earth's destruction

Phase one, is complete.

Dying twice in two days -well, sort of- wasn't something Teke would've thought he'd go through, although, death the second time was voluntary, ish, the first one, oh boy. Let's just say, he went out with a big bang. Quite literally, the earth exploded, with him on it. It wasn't that bad, after all, he was the only one left.

After spending six months' worth of game time in the Game space and still suffering a disgusting defeat, he came back home and discovered there was nothing worth protecting anymore except the husk he called home. He lost them all just like he lost the game that determined his fate, so he simply sat down and allowed them to get their predetermined reward; Earth's core.

Saying 'allowed' would be unfair, as it would be better to instead say he lured them all to their deaths, baiting them into thinking they'd get the big juicy beef that was the Earth's core when all they were getting was a major sucker punch. At the end of it all, he used his high level of mind power to awaken the Earth's majestic consciousness; Queen Mother Gaia. Thoroughly explaining the entire situation to the queen's mother, which wasn't exactly needed, she's the Earth, and y'all keep buzzing around on her surface. As powerful as she was, she didn't even need to be awake to know bits and pieces of what was going on. So yes, after explaining the whole thing, a decision was agreed upon by both of them, and they would set a trap. A gigantic trap so big, it would be as though a net was cast throughout all of the galaxy. A gigantic trap so irresistible, they wouldn't help but have themselves thrown into the clutches of death itself, and when the mouse finally takes a bite of the cheese, the trap would snap shut like the jaws of a croc with a bite force of 3700 pounds per square inch, except this time, instead of a buffalo being on the receiving end, it would be quasi Gods and half step immortals.

In times of distress, each planetary level being could choose champions to fight battles for themselves as the law of the universe strictly forbids them from taking actions themselves lest their core turns to dust and they vanish from the universe forever. Gaia's situation was concerning though, as all lifeforms on Earth had been erased except Teke, who had been stuck in the Game space for the last six months. Gaia had no choice but to infuse the power supposed for four champions into the body of Teke.

With his body already bursting at the seams, Teke sat down cross-legged on the surface of the Earth and waited for the bait they had thrown out in the open to be snapped up.

Teke sat on the surface of the earth for six days, listening. Then on the seventh day, when the sun had reached its zenith, he heard the sound of the space above being torn, and one by one, existences that could determine the survival and fall of countless civilizations arrived, each one more powerful than the last. They were strong and fearsome but he had the home ground advantage.

A fight so catastrophic begun, it was one man against an army of demigods and half-step immortals, except this army was far from united, each had a mind of his own, and they all wanted the top price; the core of a growth type planet, this greed ultimately led to their demise, with young Teke brought along to accompany them in death.

Fighting in a battle that seemed so hopeless at first, Teke turned the tides and decimated the hordes of hungry wolf-like beings trying to gobble up the hot meal only to end up being burnt. But the army of demigods and half-step immortals seemed endless and dauntless, throwing themselves to the hands of the merciless butcher, Teke was also running out of steam and so with each second seemingly edging closer to defeat, he sent a mental signal to Queen Mother Gaia, which again wasn't really needed but oh well.

With a smile, he beheaded a couple more demigods and said night night. With a devastating boom, the entire earth exploded, along with the army of invaders and finally with young Teke who thought he could finally get some rest. Turns out plans had already been made, with or without his opinion.

"Wake up my champion, wake up... The battlefield is fraught with hidden dangers and I need you to teach them, show them how brave they can be, and then maybe this time, we may stand a chance after all."


An audible breath filled with grief and tiredness rippled the hearts of many who watched with their hearts in their mouths.

'Let's get this over with. The Dao is the way, and my way, my path, I take the first step today. I'll carve my truth upon my heart and show the heavens that I alone can write my destiny. The Dao is the way, Dao begets One, One begets Two, Two begets Three, and Three begets all things. This simple principle governs all things.


A giant hand supported by mental power grabbed the light beam and directly infused its energy into the ball of consciousness hovering in the sky. The pressure made space to creak and groan before spatial tears erupted around the ball of consciousness. Immediately, the earth began its work, suppressing those spatial tears to nonexistence. At the same time as the earth began her little task, the ball of consciousness that was Teke began to expand at a visible speed. It kept expanding and condensing until it changed from a light bronze to a slight golden color, Teke's mind power swiftly broke through three levels and it didn't even seem out of juice yet.

"Queen mother, bring forth the tribulations! It's time to forge me a God-slaying body."