
"My lady, the enterprise has begun its processing, but we have hit some major roadblocks.

First, we need at least seven board members to register the company. We will need you to review the allocation of shares.

Second, the company memorandum has to be reviewed by you. You can make minutes change.

Third, what is the name of your enterprise?"

"Haa! What a fuss? Just to create a company. The name should be registered as Nebula. As for the division of shares, 80% for me. 5% for you. The other positions... Who should I register now? Okay, add the names. These are the names... my personal assistant, my secretary, my chief assassin and chief espionage, and finally my mansion butler. Each is to receive 1% of the company shares. The rest of the remaining shares should be kept for rainy days.

I almost forgot. Out of the remaining shares, 5% will be allocated for weapons. My forces should not lack military hardware. 2% of it will be for the purchase of hardware, while 3% of the remaining 5% will be directed toward the research of my personal sophisticated weapons.

As for the memorandum, lace each legal clause with quagmire clause traps that will fully target betrayals. Utopia Legal Firm should understand my points here."

"This reminds me. What were your discussions with the Utopia legal firm? Did you make any heads from the tail? After some research, I understood Utopia Legal Firm was among the top 20 best legal firms in the whole Blue Planet during its peak days. But the vultures set their eyes on them. Grinding the firm to almost a halt. With its current trend, it should go bankrupt in three years, but the profit earned in brokering this region deal gave them some breathing space.

The vultures won't let them revive. They will be getting flank attacks from all corners. They need a safe pillar to rely on." Elaine rounds up her analysis.

"You really did your homework well. Utopia Legal Firm is in a hot seat. The boards are considering a full sale and reinvesting in other prominent businesses, but they won't sell to anyone related to their enemy.

Another major roadblock in my discussions with the firm was that the majority of the directors, together with the senior advocates, had a lot of lingering attachment to the firm.

This leaves me with a question to ask you. Do you plan to change all of them with your special legal teams?" Dean Travis laid out his findings.

"Old man, are you serious? What is the essence of trying to purchase Utopia? Was it not to retain their services? I will make it clear, old man. I wished to buy out 100% of their firm shares and their loyalty, but as a hidden boss. I will cover up their security deficiencies. They will operate as usual while aiming for the top ten legal company rankings within ten years.

The accumulated debts will be settled to free their minds from redundant worries. The share method of share allocation. I will take 80% of the shares. 5% of the shares will be allocated to miscellaneous. The rest will be kept as rewards for the best advocate but will not be permanent.

The best advocate will enjoy 2–5% of the shares as dividends for 2–5 years. It will serve as motivation for all lawyers in the firm. If they accept this offer, they can quote me a price. I will pay them in full, together with their over half a billion blue currency debts.

If they delay quoting a price within a month's time frame. I will call off the deal. I am more inclined to invest in my territory. Who knows, I will set up my personal legal firm, which is to compete with the top ten legal rankings."

The long talk made Apple understand her boss will need a glass of water after she ends this round of conversation. Oh yes! She was right? Elaine picked up the glass of water and gulped down the whole contents. She felt refreshed while Apple was still lost in the prospect of earning a share in an enterprise she could only look at from afar.

Woohoo! She instantly became a big shot with a few words. The world of the rich will always remain a mystery to the masses.

"Very well, lad. I will try to complete this task before the week runs out. I am off. You have given this old one a serious waist-breaking task."

"Huh? You said you were not an old man?"


Dean Travis happily disconnected the call.

"Okay, we move on to the next step. Ann and Cody..." She looked at the two arrivals.

Elaine said, "How many of you have successfully arrived?"

"Over twenty thousand of us, ma'am. It will take a week for the rest, half a million people, to arrive." Ann replied her question

"Good, go to the city administration hall tomorrow. I will call them and remind those baldies of your arrival. Select a wide island. Build an island market while masking it as your headquarters."

"Should we mask it as a black market?" Cody asked.

"That is better. Evil and good go hand in hand. Let's give those underground ruffians a safe buffer zone. They know how to bring in the cash. Remember, the evil buffer zone must always remain in our hands. I will wire the funds this week. That should be all."

"Your order is our command, miss." They made a member's greeting code, which Elaine found interesting. They were about to leave the room when Apple walked in with a glass of fruit drink.

"Leaving already? Yes, boss, gave us a task to carry out." Ann patiently explained it to Apple.

"Oh! We didn't have time to catch up."

"There would be plenty of such time in the future. Take care of our boss for now. When we are done and everything seems to be moving in the right direction, Cody and I will return to the mansion to join you in protecting our lady. It is our first priority." Ann elaborated while Cody nodded.

"Okay! I will be seeing you guys soon."

With such words, they parted ways. Apple delivered the fruit drink to Elaine, who absentmindedly collected the drink and continued with her romance series. Who on Blue Planet will believe she is the Lady of the Saphila South region?

Anyone who voiced out such will look like an ultra fool among his or her listeners.

At the late hour of the night, Elaine was dead tired. She was walked to her master's bedroom by Apple, who lived in the next room. Her sleepy eyes could not give vivid details of her room, but she was sure such details would be known tomorrow. The moment she woke up from her sleep.

And so, the whole Saphila South region said their goodnight except for the security agents whose night have been made as day and their day as night.


It was 8:24 am. the next day.

Saphila was already buzzing with activities. Late students was hurrying to schools. Parents were rushing to work. Environment workers were almost done tidying up the streets.

It was another busy day in Saphila South region but this busy day was not in an agenda of a sleeping beauty.