Divine Queen

The chanting died down to a simmer, light and questing. All eyes are placed on the stage, the number of willing combatants has more than doubled

All ten of the paladins lined up, there will unshaken. Will himself could not say the same, the power of the goddess is out of this world.

If only they had a peak sovereign, or even just an emperor, this fight would be easy.

When judging the strength of a martial artist against another martial artist. The odds of beating someone one level ahead of you is 40-60, and the odds of the weaker one get cut in half each time they go down one level. This is not law, but it is a good basis to judge if you have any chance of winning. So assuming the goddess is equivalent to strength to a peak sovereign, this fight will not be easy. 

The Queen stepped forward.

"Thou are holy men? Art thou not? Do you not bless the gods for their benevolence? Why question us now? Unlike that fool." She pointed at Jorge, "Your gods still live, I still live."

"Gods, are meant to stay in heaven, this place is a place for mortals."

"Oh contraire, the demons aren't mortal, as you put it. They can die, and regrettably so can we. So why should they be allowed to brazenly walk on your ground, kill your people, and destroy your home. When we can stop them, all you holy men have to do is let us in. More than just me. Are angels can only help so much."

"So tell me this." Jorge spoke up. "Why didn't you guys save the other worlds?"

She looked down almost guilty. "There were those who thought it best not to interfere, there humans also rejected us. But now the naysayers are dead, and we stand to save this world."

"Can you inform me, what happens if you die here?" Will asked.

"My vessel will die, I will return to the All Mother, and rule over the lower realm once more."

"There's no risk for you?"

"Not exactly, I won't be able to find a new vessel for thousands of years."

"And if we did side with you, then what?"

"I, the divine Queen, will personally defeat the demon king, as long as you believe in me. Put all your faith in the divine Queen, don't worship by brothers or sisters, or any of the lesser gods, I Will protect you and all of you forever."

The room fell silent. It was a good option. However a lot would prefer death over changing who they worship. They would have to exterminate all the hunters, that's a problem, even the church can't consistently fight a war with the hunters. The choice was made clear with that thought alone. 

"All paladins hear my command, slay that heretic of a false god."

In unison they responded. "Yes lord bishop."

All ten charged in like rolling tsunami, running head first into the queen.