"You know we can't do that, Alex. A protocol is a protocol," he explained, which irritated me. I thought he would agree immediately, but it seemed their confidentiality was more important to him than the well-being of the people.

"But you can't just leave them out there!" I protested, raising my voice slightly. "You were supposed to protect them! That's your job, isn't it?" I pointed out.

"I know that, Alex—"

"Then act on it!" I interjected, cutting off his sentence.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I really want to help you, but this protocol is something that is out of my reach," General apologized. Instead of getting annoyed, I felt sorry for him. I could see the sincerity in his eyes.

"How about we put some tents outside the camp so they have somewhere to sleep? That should be okay, right, General?" Maica suggested.