Chapter 1

The retro luxurious chandelier hung dazzlingly from the ceiling, and Zuo Mingran sat on the sofa, feeling a bit confused.

What's going on? Wasn't she working on her manuscript at home? Where is this place?

The chaotic noise in her ears seemed like something was being frantically injected into her brain. Zuo Mingran puzzled for a moment, suddenly remembering something.

She seemed to have fainted.

The urgent deadline for the script made her work tirelessly for several days. Just when she was about to lie down and rest for a while, everything went black in front of her, and she didn't know anything anymore.

It sounded like sudden death, Zuo Mingran thought with lingering fear.

The table in front of her was tapped twice, and a pleasant male voice entered her ears, "Zuo Mingran, are you sure you want me to sign this agreement?"


Zuo Mingran blinked, unable to react to the jumbled thoughts in her mind. The man in front of her seemed to have already gotten used to her silence, assuming that she had tacitly agreed to his question, and picked up the pen next to him.

At this moment, the chaotic noise in her head disappeared, and her previously blurred perception suddenly became clear. Zuo Mingran looked at the unfamiliar environment before her and almost screamed.

She had actually traveled through!

And she had transmigrated into a novel about a rebirth and abusing scum!

The owner of this body was also named Zuo Mingran, exactly the same as her. She was a wealthy and beautiful female celebrity who married into a prominent family a year ago. Their marriage was harmonious and could be considered exemplary.

In the book, Zuo Mingran was just a cannon fodder supporting character, with few details about her, only briefly mentioned her ending.

- Divorce from her wealthy husband, involved in scandals, ruined reputation, destroyed career, and a substantial compensation.

Coincidentally, Zuo Mingran missed the legendary wedding but caught up with the divorce scene.

The room was quiet, and the sound of the pen scratching against the paper was particularly clear. Zuo Mingran instinctively lowered her head and saw a stack of papers on the black marble table, as well as a pair of well-defined hands.

Those hands were holding a sapphire blue pen, ready to sign.

She was signing a divorce agreement.


In a split second, the brief plot of a few hundred words from the original book flashed through Left Mingran's mind. At a critical moment, Left Mingran's courage rose from within, and he subtly rose from his seat, snatching the pen and throwing it away.


The pen fell into the fish tank, creating a big splash. The deep blue ink seeped out from the pen tip, diffusing in the water.


Left Mingran pretended to be calm and sat back on the sofa. It was just a random throw, who would have thought that it would land in the fish tank so coincidentally?


Clearing his throat, Left Mingran was about to speak when the man across from her lifted his head. With handsome eyebrows and bright eyes, his lips were tightly pressed, exuding a hint of self-importance. The line from his jaw to his neck was enough to make young girls scream.


The book didn't provide much information about Left Mingran, and this wealthy husband only made a brief appearance in the beginning.


As the saying goes, you can't have both wealth and love. Left Mingran had originally thought that the other party would be an older man, but unexpectedly, he was young.


And at this moment, the face of this dream lover who could easily sweep through half of the entertainment industry showed no expression. He looked at Left Mingran calmly and said, "Each fish costs eight hundred thousand."


Left Mingran: "???"


The startled fish continued to swim frantically, and the sound of their tails slapping against the water seemed mocking. Left Mingran held back the foul words about to come out of her mouth and took a deep breath, saying, "I won't get a divorce."


The man looked at her with a blank expression. The eyes that should have been filled with deep affection seemed as if they were immersed in ink, making it impossible to discern his emotions. After a while, he pushed aside the divorce agreement that had been scratched by the pen tip and said calmly, "As you wish."


Left Mingran furrowed her brows.


As an insignificant supporting character, it was not explained in detail in the original book's plot why Left Mingran got married and divorced. But even without a clear understanding, just based on the current attitude of the other party, it was not difficult to guess how laughable their so-called harmonious marriage was.


The man obviously did not intend to dwell on this matter. After confirming that Left Mingran had no intention of getting a divorce, he stood up, picked up his coat from the back of the sofa, and said while walking out, "Next time, just directly consult a lawyer for such matters."


Left Mingran: "Huh?"


The man was tall, and as Left Mingran followed his movements by raising her head, she vaguely realized that his underlying meaning was not to disturb him with such matters.


Or rather, not to attract his attention.


Left Mingran's thoughts suddenly shifted to the next book, "The Overbearing CEO Falling in Love with Me".

The door slammed shut in front of her, and Left Mingran sat there in a daze for a while before turning her gaze towards the fish tank.


The pen had already sunk to the bottom of the water, while five or six fish swam past, seemingly unaware of this foreign object. The fish tank was quite large, and Left Mingran estimated the height, realizing that there were only two possible ways to retrieve the pen: either she jumped in, or she plunged her hand in.


Neither option was feasible.


Left Mingran let out a long sigh and flopped onto the couch.


"Rebirth," a novel recommended by a good friend a while ago, had been praised endlessly. Unable to resist, Left Mingran started reading it right away, only to realize when she finished that the deadline for her submission had already passed.


Recalling the original plot, Left Mingran felt a headache coming on.


As the cannon fodder supporting female character, Left Mingran's relationship with the female lead could be summed up in one sentence - "We have no connection, it all relies on a scumbag."


The female lead, Yin Ruxin, had been deceived by a scumbag in her previous life, forced to sell her body and burdened with millions of debt, eventually dying in prison. After being reborn, Yin Ruxin opened her eyes and not only distanced herself from the scumbag but also met the handsome and wealthy male lead. The two of them became overpowered, overcoming the scumbag and his bitchy presence while also sprinkling dog food along the way, leading to a happy ending.


As for Left Mingran, the cannon fodder supporting female character, she had equally been used by the scumbag and had a passionate relationship with the female lead for two lifetimes.


When Left Mingran read the novel, she couldn't help but wonder. Left Mingran, who had married into a wealthy family and was a popular actress, enjoying both fame and fortune, why did she fiercely oppose the female lead? Who did she truly love, the scumbag or the female lead?


The phone on the table rang twice, and Left Mingran absentmindedly picked up the phone. After unlocking it with her fingerprint, several messages flooded in.


"Ranran, Yan Yunyang is not someone to mess with. Why don't you reconsider?"


"Ranran, I know you don't love him, but you just got married. If you get a divorce now, rumors will definitely spread online to smear your name."


"Ranran, come out now, let's discuss this calmly. Don't act impulsively."




Left Mingran glanced at the messages, even without looking at the names, she knew who had sent them.


The main antagonist of the novel, Tang Wenbin, the archenemy of the female lead.

Tang Wenbin and Left Mingran were childhood friends who grew up together. Their families were neighbors, and they could be considered childhood sweethearts, with an innocent friendship. However, during their adolescence, when Left Mingran was just beginning to develop feelings for Tang Wenbin, his family suddenly moved away, and they lost contact.


As the saying goes, first love leaves a lasting impression. No matter how Tang Wenbin has changed now, in Left Mingran's heart, he remains the shining moonlight, willing to do anything for him, even if it means reaching for the stars. In today's terms, she was definitely a lovesick puppy.


As for Tang Wenbin, being someone who caught the attention of the female lead, he must have had a decent appearance. The author described him in the book as not tall, but with rosy lips and white teeth. When he smiled, he had sweet dimples. Despite being in his twenties, he looked like a minor. After becoming an idol, he attracted a lot of older fans and even mothers.


But that was all in the future. Currently, Tang Wenbin was just a small internet celebrity who gained popularity through online videos.


Experiencing the thrill of fame as an internet celebrity, Tang Wenbin used Left Mingran as a stepping stone to enter the entertainment industry. He deceived Yin Ruxin, who was his girlfriend at the time, while pretending to be single in front of his fans. He was a master of deception, even more skilled than a Sichuan opera performer, and could change faces with ease, just like a certain someone.


The messages kept pouring in, and Tang Wenbin clearly didn't expect Left Mingran to divorce him over this. He was anxious, losing his usual composure, and kept messaging her.


In the novel, Left Mingran didn't know the true face of Tang Wenbin, but Left Mingran was different. Having read the novel, she had a god's eye view and knew exactly what kind of person Tang Wenbin was.


With a cold laugh, Left Mingran tapped her finger, about to block Tang Wenbin, but then she remembered something.


Going by the timeline, Tang Wenbin had contacted Left Mingran three months ago. Left Mingran didn't believe that Tang Wenbin had done nothing to convince her to divorce him.


Going back to their chat history, Left Mingran kicked off her slippers, curled up on the couch, and scrolled through the messages on her phone.


Half an hour later, having scrolled through half of the conversation, Left Mingran propped her head up and let out a long sigh.


Tang Wenbin was clever. Their conversations didn't have any excessively inappropriate content. It was mostly catching up on old times. Even if it were made public, it wouldn't have any major consequences for him.


But Left Mingran was different. Their century wedding had gone viral on the internet. The company took advantage of this opportunity, and the marketing campaign continued until now. The topic stayed on Weibo's hot search for half a year, and the whole nation knew that Left Mingran had married a wealthy husband who loved her.


If news of their divorce came out now, or if their seemingly harmonious relationship was just a facade, it would be a major blow to Left Mingran's career.

After thinking for a moment, Left Mingran tapped the screen and sent a message back.


"Okay, let's meet tomorrow."


Tang Wenbin's desire for fame couldn't be more obvious, and if Left Mingran suddenly turned against him now, he might do anything out of desperation. Left Mingran didn't want her new life to come to an abrupt end.


For now, the plan was to figure out a way to make Tang Wenbin delete their chat history.


After sending the message, Left Mingran turned her head. Several fish were swimming and wagging their tails in the fish tank, showing no signs of being in distress.


Resigned, Left Mingran opened her contacts and dialed a phone number from memory.