Chapter 2

The memories in her mind gradually formed a clear thread, and Left Mingran lay back on the soft sofa, with a bright pendant lamp directly above her head. The glaring light shone straight into her eyes, until purple spots appeared in her vision, causing her to cover her eyes with her arm and silently roll over.


Crossing over did not alleviate the physical and mental fatigue for Left Mingran. After the initial high tension subsided, she felt herself sinking into an inescapable weariness.


No one told her why she ended up here, and where the original Left Mingran had gone. If all of this wasn't a dream, the future her would no longer be the Left Mingran who made a living through writing after graduating from college, but the actress Left Mingran who married into a wealthy family.


It seemed as though fate played a not insignificant joke between them.


Half an hour later, the doorbell rang. Left Mingran wiped her face and dragged herself to open the door. Outside stood a young woman, her manager Shi Shuangxia.


Shi Shuangxia wasn't tall, with a neat short haircut. Unfortunately, she had a baby face, and even if she tried to put on a serious expression, it wasn't convincing. However, after spending time together, one would come to know that she was actually a highly competent manager.


In the original book's plot, Shi Shuangxia later became the manager of the female lead Yin Ruxin, which caused great dissatisfaction for Left Mingran. Combined with some actions taken by Left Mingran, the two grew further and further apart, eventually parting ways.


However, even so, when Left Mingran fell from grace, it was still Shi Shuangxia who was willing to help her.


Inviting Shi Shuangxia into the house, Left Mingran pointed at the fish tank and got straight to the point, "The fish are dying." After a moment's thought, she added, "They cost 800,000 each."


Called over in the late evening without even having time to drink water, Shi Shuangxia couldn't help but take in a sharp breath. As a qualified manager, she didn't want Left Mingran's fish to appear on the hot search the next day.


After more than two hours of busy work, the two finally completed a major water change for the fish tank. The fountain pen was fished out and placed on the table. Shi Shuangxia sat down on the sofa, gasping for breath, and took the water Left Mingran handed over, drinking a big mouthful. "Weren't you most concerned about those fish? You were so nervous even when someone touched the fish tank. How did you end up throwing a pen in there?"


The acquired memories were not comprehensive, mostly aligning with the main plotline. When Left Mingran heard this question, she paused and tentatively asked, "Are these my fish?"


"Who else's?" Shi Shuangxia looked at her amusingly. "You even named a few fish. I got it wrong twice and you ordered me not to see the fish anymore."


As she spoke, she casually pointed at the fish tank, "That one, it's called Elizabeth, right?"

Left Mingran looked at the several fish that looked exactly the same and said with difficulty, "Yes... that's right."


Shi Shuangxia looked at her, exasperated, and said, "You, oh you!"


Shi Shuangxia was ten years older than Left Mingran. Since she found the homeless Left Mingran on the street seven years ago, she played the roles of both a father and a mother. But Left Mingran always kept her on her toes, constantly causing trouble.


The divorce agreement was placed on the table, and Shi Shuangxia hadn't noticed it at first. It was only when Left Mingran reminded her that she picked it up and took a look.


"You want a divorce?" Shi Shuangxia stood up from the sofa, forcefully saying, "No way, I don't agree."


Left Mingran had expected her reaction long ago, so she wasn't surprised. Holding a pillow, she lazily said, "Even if you don't agree, there's nothing you can do. We were contractually married from the start, so divorce was bound to happen sooner or later."


Shi Shuangxia was infuriated, her anger boiling up. "You, Left Mingran, you've grown quite audacious! We got married secretly back then, and I, as your manager, was the last to know. Now, it's only been a year, and you're talking about divorce?"


Left Mingran shrunk her neck. She knew she was in the wrong for this matter. Now the previous person's trouble had become her burden to bear as the successor.


"It's not like we're divorcing right now." Left Mingran struggled. "I told you in advance, let's temporarily halt our marketing activities. By the time everyone forgets, no one will care about this anymore."


Shi Shuangxia couldn't contain her anger and looked at the three words "Left Mingran" on the divorce agreement, wishing she could twist her head off right then and there. "Forget? Do you think that's possible? Do you think people in this entertainment industry forget about love and breakups every year? As long as you're still in this circle, people's eyes will always be on you!"


Seeing the enraged Shi Shuangxia, Left Mingran silently swallowed the second half of her sentence.


Seeing her unresponsive, Shi Shuangxia became even angrier. She poured a few cups of cold water on herself to suppress her anger. "Who brought up the divorce?"


Left Mingran raised her hand, "I did..."


"You!" Shi Shuangxia took a deep breath. "We'll talk about this later. I will inform the PR department to modify your marketing direction. But for the time being, you better behave!"


Left Mingran stuck out her tongue playfully. "Got it, big sister Shi. I'll be well-behaved."


The next morning, Left Mingran woke up drenched in sweat, startled from her dream.