

The Kindred here keep disappearing downstairs, but you're sure you're not allowed to feed in the Elysium. Your palms itch; you can't stay here. You need to see what this city has to offer.

As if sensing your mood, Alexander returns, his approach heralded by his reeking breath.

"I have spoken with the Prince, and he has given you permission to feed in his city tonight," he says. "After that, you must speak with me about arrangements.

"Tucson can be a difficult city, and you do not yet have a ride. For clubs, stay away from the country and western places. We all love a…what is it called? A jamboree, right, here in America? But they are claimed by others. And do not feed from the sleeping. The Ventrue of Prince Lettow's court must feed that way, and do not want competition. Otherwise, your needs can be met just north of here. There are clubs and alleys, drunks and prostitutes, even veterinary clinics and hospitals.

"You will be watched, of course. Do not dishonor the Prince."

You lean over the edge of the railing, looking down on Tucson. For years you've taken blood wherever you could, usually as payment for a job. But most vampires your age hunt, and most of them specialize. Before you became a courier, you, too, had a specialty. You think back to those years with Julian, before you drove the night roads to perpetuate your existence. You were desperate and untrained then, since Ypotryll had had no time to teach you, but you survived. You try to remember the skills you developed to feed…