Sometimes Julian Sim talked about a Tremere he knew who wanted to breed xenosheep with human genetic material, so their blood would be more palatable to vampires. He wasn't sure it worked that way—Julian had an odd religious streak, and believed in souls as much as he believed in software—but that tale gave you an idea for how to survive if Julian ever left. And when he did, you were ready.
But it's not as easy as it used to be. It was never pleasant—bagged blood is flavorless—but now most of your old databases are compromised, and security around most plasma centers is increasingly tight. Still, you have a few sources left, including a database buried in a ton of irrelevant medical data—no intelligence agency ever has enough staff, and if you're unimportant, you can hide in the noise. You've memorized all the key passwords, so you just type them into your new phone and search the relevant Google Doc. Past reams and reams of irrelevant pharmaceutical information is the address of your target, and how to get in.