Chapter 113: Magic

Feeling the discomfort twisting in my stomach again, I furrowed my brow with frustration. No matter how many times I experience it, I never seem to get used to teleportation. The space around us twisted and warped, causing my expression to oscillate between bewilderment and discomfort for the next few seconds, until everything finally returned to normal. However, my mind continued to spin like a carousel, dizzy from the experience.

"Damn it," I muttered resentfully, casting a glance at Lysandra and Elsa. They remained as unperturbed as ever, as if teleportation hadn't affected their senses at all. Even when they noticed my pale expression, their lips curled into mocking and obvious smiles.

A shadow of irritation darkened my face. When would the day come when I'd get used to this? Hearing their giggles only served to increase my discontent.