Chapter 114: Is the forest alive?

The forest stretched majestically before my eyes, a green mantle rising towards the blue sky like a monument to nature itself. The trees, towering in height, stood like giant pillars, their robust and dark trunks ascending towards the canopies, where a dense foliage of green leaves swayed gently in the breeze.

The whisper of the leaves, like a choir singing the eternal song of plant life. On the ground, a carpet of fallen and withered leaves crunched beneath my feet with each step, crackling as if they held ancient secrets within their folds. Small mountains rose in the distance, their peaks shrouded in a bluish mist that seemed to blend with the clear sky.

The sun shone upon us with a warm and welcoming light, illuminating the forest with golden hues and casting shadows that danced among the trees. At first glance, the forest emanated a sense of safety and tranquility, as if it were a natural refuge amidst the tumultuous world.