chapter 2

"Hello" said the little girl that's sitting across from me. "I know this must be shocking but before you ask me any questions I need to explain to you something very important." I wanted to talk but a feeling of laziness overcame me. "My name is Elizabeth and the lady that you were following was my mother...she died... But before that she used what little power she had left to save your life" I remembered that I was shot and lifted my shirt with bullet hole in it to reveal my perfectly fine abdomen. As a matter of fact I don't remember having abs. And now that I mention it I am not wearing any glasses am I? So how on in holy hell am I able to see clearly?

"That's a side effect of my mother's powers" answered Elizabeth as if reading into my mind "you see my mother wasn't a human... At least not a normal one I think. She bestowed upon her blessing. A fairy's blessing. Since you tried to protect her from that vile cretain. And since she knew her life was over she decided to give what little life force she had left to save your life. And that resulted in a blessing that's way stronger than normal one. Can you stand up please?" Asked Elizabeth gently.

I stood up and,to my surprise, it felt like I became bigger while at the same time lighter. I was towering over Elizabeth who was standing in front of me.

"As you can see the blessing has improved your body. And not only the muscles. But also your organs. As a matter of fact you have power that could be considered at the top of human condition. And you can go on with your life like all of this never happened" she turned her back to me and started walking towards the door of the room we were in.

"WAIT!" I yelled "you said your mom was a fairy. Does that make you-

"A fairy. Yes." Interrupted me Elizabeth. "Now I know all of this is hard to believe. So don't believe it and continue your life like it was all just a dream" she said while exiting the room

I ran after her but the moment I crossed the door I couldn't see her. As if she disappeared. I came out of the old dilapidated building and, looking at the ground, I found a piece of broken glace the reflected my face. It was different. way too different. Add it up with my other physical changes nobody would believe this is me. even Francis. "Is it really a bad thing" a thought crossed my head. "You can start a new life. From scratch. And find fortune with this new and improved body" it wasn't such a bad idea.

"HEY YOU!" Yelled a man wearing a balaclava and pointing a knife at me. Well it was more of Machete than a knife.

"I don't have anything on me" I said truthfully. I was in the same clothes I had when I was working at the restaurant which were a bit small for my current size.

"Then you wanna do this the hard way" The man charged at me. And started swinging his knife towards my guts. was...slow? Like he was in slow motion. Or rather. I think the blessing also improved my reflexes. I dodged under the blade and hit his jaw with an uppercut. He was knocked out cold. I wasn't a bad fighter before but now that my body has been improved I hit like a truck. I think I dislocated that man's jaw. Is he even...alive?. OH MY GOD I KILLED HIM!! I should run away before someone sees me.

a voice yells out "THAT GUY KILLED COLE!" I turn around and see a group of three men all with knifes of varying sizes. I as I prepare to start running away "grab the knife" a thought flashes across my head "take this fight. You can win it" this voice has been with me since my grandpa died. It has always helped me. No reason it stops now. I grab the knife and charges at them. I caught them by surprise given my new found speed. I slice the first ones neck. On my right. His friend tries to stab me but I parry his hit and cut off his hand. I grab his knife as it is falling and throw it at the one at the third one in the head. The handless fellow falls on his back and starts rolling from pain. And as I approach him slowly. He looks at me. Terrified. Pissing himself from the pain he is writhing in and he begs. Pleads me for a shred of mercy which I cannot offer. For I know that letting him live will boil in him vengeance that will eventually lead him to me yet again. and it would be wiser to Finish it now rather than later. "Spare him" said the voice "let him live and he shall make it known not to mess with you". As much as you have helped me. I am not willing to take that risk. *Stab*