chapter 3

I got home. and the moment my head hit the pillow I was asleep. I guess I was that tired. I woke up 2 hours later. Completely invigorated like I had a full night sleep. My stomach was roaring. I was hungry. I went out to the chicken soup place I worked at. It's a good thing they are open 24/7. Due to their deal with the local gang. I went in. Francis was at the front managing the cash register. He looked angry as fuck. Probably at me since I didn't come back. I asked for some chicken soup. He asked to pay out front. Funny. The guys that tried to mug me had a few bucks on them which I used for a great cause. Satiating my hungry stomach. I took a sip. And then two and then three and then the bowl was empty. I asked for a refill and then two and then three. I wanted more but my money ran out. Since I bought bigger clothes earlier since none of my old clothes fit me anymore.

Some dudes enter and start talking with Francis. I eavesdrop on them. And I hear them talking about protection money. Francis gives them a bag. I think I know how I am gonna fill my belly. I follow those gangsters quietly. Until they reach their hideout. As they open the door I get a glimpse at the inside. There are a dozen thugs in there from just a glimpse. So I suppose there are more inside. I should probably prepa-

"Show them who's the boss" I can't resist the urge. I knocked on the door "password?" asked the thug guarding the door. "Chuklefuck" I repeat what I heard from the men earlier. "Wait a minute" said the thug. I hear him yelling and then a lot of footsteps towards the door ensue. The door opens to all of them looking at me with knives- no blades in their hands. I guess it's time to play ball.

The one at front charges and before he could get a hit in I hit him with a perfectly aimed jab to his nose I disarm him and take his weapon his friends start to pile on the door way but it's narrow. Only two people can stand in it at most. I take advantage of this as I start slicing and dicing any who crosses the metal frame towards me. I see some of them at the back running. Probably towards a secondary entry point to surround me. I guess I don't have much time to play around with those thugs. It's not my first day using a blade but it's the first time I use it so efficiently. I cut and stab my way through the mounds of soon-to-be corpses. One dead. Then two. Then three. The ones become tens and the tens shall become hundreds for I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" a man bursts through a door on the second floor. He perches from above and shivers as he sees me standing alone amidst the flesh and blood of those he once thought of as comrades. He looks at me with both anger and sadness mixed with his powerlessness to do anything about it because he knows he is no match to a man who fought his way across dozens of his men. "What do you want?" says the man defeated."Nothing that I can't do myself" I answered while cutting off his head...These blades are awfully sharp. These thugs know how to upkeep their weapons...Well they used to I guess. I went up the second floor to the room the man came from. Inside was a fat man sitting at a desk with a woman sitting across. He looks at me surprised and says "I pay that filthy Fuck a fortune and yet he always disapoints "while opening a drawer to bring out a gun.


"Just because your body is enhanced doesn't mean you are bullet proof" said Elizabeth with a smoking gun in her hand.

"What are you doing here? I thought I would never see you again."

"My mom gave her life to save yours and I am not gonna let you waste it because you are a nut job who likes to go in guns blazing. Without a proper plan. did you really think that a single unarmed man can bring out a whole gang on his own"

"I mean I kinda did. It's just the gun I didn't account for. And I'm not a nut job I came here for a reason. I wanted to rescue this woman." I lied while gesturing at the woman who's sitting from across the dead fat man. "Are you okay ma'am?" I asked the tearful lady.

"Thank you for saving me from this pig bastard. He scammed my husband and-"

"Hushhush. It'll all be okay ma'am" I interrupted her since I  wasn't interested and came closer and gave her a hug. She stopped crying and thanked us again before hurrying away and leaving.

I looked at Elizabeth "you see. This gang terrorised the locals from ages ago and I thought I could put this new body of mine to good use" I lied hoping Elizabeth would believe me.

"I suppose my mom gave you her blessing for a reason. But that doesn't give you the right to just wing it without a thought. Next time you should plan more carefully"

"Next time? I thought you didn't want me to risk my life anymore."

"*Sigh* I can't expect to go against your nature. You will stay on this path no matter what I try. So it would be better to help you on this path"

"Helping? Wait are you gonna stay with me?"

"Yes and to tell you the truth I tried testing you. When my mother gave you her blessing it made you into a super human. But even if my mom gave you the blessing. I couldn't let a human roam around with that much power. So I limited it to a certain extent until you pass my test. And I am gonna be honest. You passed with flying colours. You are truly pure of heart"

"Wait. What would have happened if I hadn't passed the test"

"Well there is no need to know since you already passed"

"So are you going to remove the limits on my power"

"No. At least not for a little while until you adapt to your newfound powers since too much power can taint the purest of hearts. That's what my mom used to say. But I am going to give you this." She hands me the gun she used "it's one of the heirlooms of my family. They are powerful contraptions capable of seemingly impossible things."

"And what does this gun have in special?"

"You can reload it with taka for seemingly infinite bullets. or at least how much taka you output."

"What's taka?"

"It's more or less a kind of energy that each human outputs from their heart. It can't be used directly by humans but fairy's like my mother and I have made special tools capable of harnessing this taka and output through many shapes and forms. This gun for instance shapes the taka into a bullet that can penetrate  a wall made with diamonds."

"And how exactly do I reload this thing?"

"You don't"

The gun makes a clicking noise and then glows blue.

"There. It's reloaded" remarqued Elizabeth.

"Does it have a name? The gun I mean."

"It does but you probably can't pronounce it so you should probably just name it yourself"

"Then I shall name it colt"

"Colt? What kinda name is that?"

"I don't know. It just kinda flashed in my head I thought it sounded good"

"Anyway. we should probably get out before some ravens start piling in"

"Alright. But I am gonna have to search the building for money or valuables."

"Did you really wanna save that woman or was this your intention all along?"

"What?! ever since my body got enhanced I get a lot hungrier. And I can't sustain 4 bowls of chicken soup every meal with a normal job. So if anyone is to blame it's this faster metabolism of mine"

"Yup. That would be my fault. Since in order from you to be able to sustain all of that increased body power I needed to also increase the amount of calories you ingest in order to upkeep it"

"Well then help me find stuff so we could get out of here faster"

We ran the whole building through a fine comb and ran away with all valuables we could find and then we went home after Elizabeth disposed of the drugs the gang had.

"So what now?" Asked Elizabeth.

"This city is so full of criminals that the government abandoned it. I don't think we are gonna have a problem finding new targets" I answered as I went to bed.