Urgent System Update

The hound was first confused yet it sprinted toward the defense bot while growling, William ran toward it too, and used the dagger to slash at the hound.

This time, it was at the neck, and the hound died with blood spraying out everywhere.

[+5 Tower Points]

The experience amount gained from dealing with each hound and Gremlick had dwindled a lot.

William went toward the other two creatures left. The Gremlick first looked at him while holding its bleeding arm and then at the tower, William couldn't have it even complete that thought process. 

He ran without any consideration, the defense bot was useless in this case. 


Just when the Gremlick was going to kick the hound again, William stabbed the wolf in the neck, it was easier to kill creatures that were not human. A trait humans possessed for a long time.

The hound jerked a lot and the Gremlick jumped off it, its first action was to start running toward the tower.

[+5 Tower Points]

William was confident that he would catch up to it yet he tried something else instead.

He tightened his muscles and threw the bone dagger with all his might. The attack was very calculated, William knew that even if it didn't hit the Gremlick, the dagger would hit the tower and stay there and not go out of the fog.

Yet when the dagger left his hand, something was wrong.

'Why is it spinning?' William thought, it was the first time William had thrown a knife in his life.

The knife while spinning went and hit the back of the Gremlick yet there was only one problem with it, it hit horizontally meaning it couldn't cut the Gremlick at all.

"KHUU!!" The Gremlick growled in pain, it looked back and saw the thing that hit him, the bone dagger was just a few feet away from it and William looked at its movements.

In his planning, the dagger was either going to hit the Gremlick or the tower, but he hadn't expected the Gremlick to be alright and more importantly, go for getting the dagger.

William ran fast, it was an advantage that the area they were in was small, and covering distance was a piece of cake.

"FUCK OFF!!!" 


William smacked his already sped-up shin on the Gremlick's neck and shoulder, the height difference was at William's advantage.

The Gremlick fell on its butt and held its neck which was most probably either hit severely or totally busted.

Before the Gremlick could even get accustomed to the pain, a dagger came and pierced its neck.

Blood gurgled inside its mouth instantly as it opened its eyes widely in shock.

[+10 Tower Points]


[Congratulations on completing the 16th wave!]

[You were the 320,899th to complete the wave successfully!]

[The wave completion reward is shifted to the tower]

[Detected 5 dead monsters- Convert to Tower Points? YES NO]

[Next wave in 10 hours! Be well prepared!]


William took out the dagger from the Gremlick's neck and swung it toward the ground splashing all the blood on the ground.

Yet the color of the dagger had changed from whitish yellow to reddish completely, William knew there was nothing he could do to wipe off this blood, it would stay there forever, both on his hands and the dagger.

'I am still too crude…' He gritted his teeth and after keeping the dagger halfway in the pocket, he dragged the Gremlick's body to the corner, near the fog.

Even if they disappeared from being near the fog, William didn't care. 

He kept the two hound's corpses on the other side, he couldn't get them inside the tower with the mess he had made out of them.

After things were completed, he went inside the tower and closed his eyes, and started with the meditation again. Time again flew like crazy, after three hours went by, William went to sleep.


Suddenly, a message came, William looked at the timer and found out that almost 4 hours were still left before the wave was going to start. He clicked on the notifications.


[ Attention: Urgent update. Playthrough results have been exceptional and many highly skilled players identified. 

System update completed.

The top 20 ranked players now have the benefit of asking questions about the Tower Defense world.

For example: Why are players brought here from their home planets? 

The update will be added immediately, good luck!]


"What?!" William tried to grab the hologram with urgency yet it was impossible, he did not know if this news was making him nervous or excited.

'Wait, I have to get my priorities straight.'

He calmed himself down and started analyzing the situation to the best of his ability.

'If I want, it's not a problem to enter the top 100,000 even now, I just didn't want to take the additional risk.'

It was possible to enter the extra reward ranking yet the risk he would have to take in order to reach it was beyond what he wanted.

With no medical facilities or proper protection, even a small scratch which he already had could become lethal.

William knew that this was a very 'not him' type of thinking yet he had realized something, he liked winning and he liked it a LOT.

But even before that, he liked living. William had realized that he could do anything to live.

'So getting in the top 20 will be tough if not impossible… unless…'

He looked at the sacrificial tomb at the side, if he could take another kind of risk by sacrificing a little of his vitality which was full right now, there was some chance.

'It's decided then, 3 minutes, no 5 minutes before the wave, I will use the skills in the sacrificial tomb…' William decided and soon went to meditate again.

He did not care to look in the world chat at all as it was going to be chaotic beyond measure. Not his cup of tea.