
After running for a few minutes, we found more Zombies. After killing them, Tim and Susan consumed all of the stones. As they walked back towards me, I sighed. "Let me kill the next Zombies that we see. I need to get on that leaderboard."

Susan nodded. "Alright, as long as you let us take the stones!"


We moved to another group of Zombies, and we killed them. What surprised me was the fact that Houston hadn't been cleaned out all the way by the dragon possessed by Zanoth or Gore as he called himself. 

 In six hours, we cleared the entirety of Houston. Tim was at 70k Mana and Susan was at 80k… I still wasn't on the leaderboards though. After cleaning up all of Houston, we started running down the road all the way to Corpus Christi. Along the way, we killed hundreds of Zombies on the roads and in the small towns that we passed.