Hunting Dragons

I dashed down the lake of fire after running five miles, I found two dragons, and they were… Kissing or something… 

I understood it would be rude to bother them, but I didn't really care. I absolutely needed to head to the floor, all kindness be damned. 

I transformed the Ascendant ring on my finger to its sword form. I pointed the sword towards the closest dragon who was rocking back and forwards… 

Regardless, my laser beam pierced through his head, and he fell down to the ground, dead. The other dragon turned around with a scream. "Ayo? What the fuck!"

I charged my laser beam and fired again. The dragon was about to say something else, but half its brain had been melted by the laser from my sword. 

I dashed a few hundred yards away. KABLEWY. KERSPLAT.

They both blew up like enormous water balloons with their liquid mana gushing back towards their respective green Mana stone.