A Recovering World

On the other side of my portal, I stepped onto moist soil. I glanced around. The walls that my group and I had built still stood. The bunker door was not busted in, and the light of a new sun rising was shining over the horizon in beautiful golden rays. 

As I glanced around, another portal opened up to my side. But it was green, and Gore stepped from it. He stepped from the portal and nodded towards me. "Congratulations on your deification."

"Thank you, the tower made things easy and fast. The Creator herself talked to me quite awhile as well as someone from my Mana faction. I have questions for you before I decide to help you with your war against this Eris woman. 

First and foremost, I know that she killed everyone who you were with, but besides that, what is your plan to kill her? Do you think that the other gods in her Mana faction will help her?"