Deity Born of Earth

As I fell towards the sea, I realized suddenly, it was the same blue sea where I had heard the voices of gods. 

As I slammed into the sea once again, I was merely a giant glob of Mana. For a second, I thought I was about to merge into the sea and lose my sense of being, but that was not the case.

As I hit the sea, The liquid Mana separated away from me and let me fall to the very bottom of the Sea. At the bottom of the sea, there were portals… Millions of them.

Every single portal glowed except for the one which I was heading towards, that one was white.

After entering through the portal, I appeared in a space that was completely empty. Everything was empty. The only light was sourced from the Mana of my soul, and that of the glowing white portal, but the light reached nothing. There was only endless darkness.