Doing Shit

On the other side of the portal, I searched through the many souls floating about. I sent a mote of Mana to each of them from my body, and I quickly skimmed through their memories. 

There were actually five of them who I didn't like at all and who I did not feel bad about selling off… Not even the weeniest bit. Three were females and the last two were males.

After jumping back through the portal that I never closed, I formed the Souls far away from my hot tubs, so there would be no meaningless destruction of my most glorious mansion. 

As the dragons formed, I screamed at them. "ALRIGHT MOTHERFUCKERS! Transform into Humans right now!!"

They followed my order with a good bit of annoyance in the way they moved and looked at me. After they transformed, I yelled another order out to them. "Line up now! After that, Don't move, talk, or even stare at me!"