Return of Tim

As I was reclining on the perfectly comfortable chair, a glowing blue portal opened up in the grass by the Bunker doors, and it was not a portal that I had made. I straightened up from my chair and hopped up. Sure enough, out walked Tim, looking no worse for wear.

I dashed over to him. As I did, he glanced at the huge mansion and then turned to me. As he did, he smiled. "Hey Travis!"

"Hey Tim, I suppose things went well?"

"They sure did! I'm a god now and stuff… Is that your Mansion right there with the massive helipad on the top?"

"Sure is!"

"Whatcha gonna put on the Helipad? A few helicopters?"

I grinned. "No, I was thinking of a spacecraft actually!"

Tim looked utterly flabbergasted. "A spaceship huh… That's crazy. That's just really crazy… So, what are we going to do in this spaceship? Kick that god Zanoth by his asshole off this planet, or what?"