New Ship

Three weeks passed and we all just took it easy as everyone who had been in our group slowly trickled back from the tower. 

Zane had been first, then Jason, Tessa, Jett, Will, John, Anne, Belle, Riley, but not Jared. I wasn't too surprised that Jared had not passed through the tower to become a god because he was so nerdy, and he had started with very little Mana and so he was likely on one the lowest floors. 

All of us were lounging outside being lazy motherfuckers. I was lying on a sunbathing chair with Zane and Susan on either side of me. I glanced over at Zane. "You know, the spaceship Gore is going to give me should be ready soon… Are you wanting to blast across the galaxy and see some shit?"

Zane grinned. "Hell yeah!"

Susan tapped me on the shoulder. "Now obviously you'll be taking me too, yeah?"