Home Again?

Finn's sword slammed against my own as he performed his Brilliant Sword Fusion Aspect Harrier Of Stupid Fuckers skill… Honestly the hardest part of actually going through the super super long training was learning the stupid names of all his skills…

And they weren't even Magic skills but more of just martial ones… If I'm being honest, I wasn't ever planning on using his skills if I could help it…

I shoved his blade off my own and then rushed towards him. Our blades both blurred as we both amped our bodies full of Mana fought each other for minutes or hours, I don't know.

Eventually though, we stopped fighting and Finn nodded at me. "You have come far enough now. The skills I have taught you will serve you well… You have been training here for 35 years which means three and a half years have passed outside… A lot of ships have been made on Earth and a whole lot of things have changed. Regardless, have fun."