Plans Unfolding

After swimming across my planet, I put the armor back on that I had taken off, and I channeled to create a portal to Finn's realm. My plan was to sell him a bunch of Mechs since he was so rich.

As I stepped into his Soulscape, a familiar person with red hair walked up next to me. It was Zayn, the dragon that had trained me for so long. "It really has been a long time, Travis. What do you want?"

"I want to talk to Finn about buying a few Mechs of mine. They are spaceships of Ascendant quality and a massive Mana output. They go for 50 Trillion Mana."

Zayn's eyes widened. "That's a lot of Mana. I'll call him here; he might be interested."

I nodded. "Supplies are limited."

Literal seconds later, a blue portal formed next to us, and Finn stepped through it. He looked directly into my eyes and smiled. "It has been quite a while since we've seen each other. What is the spacecraft that Zayn told me about?"