The Ruined City

Lucas doesn't seem particularly deterred as he walks cautiously beside me.

He's quite confident, for walking deeper and deeper into a long abandoned cavern just waiting to flood or collapse on us.

I suppose if I look at it from the perspective that such a death is better than the existence we'd have under a tyrant with the Angel's Tear I, too, feel more confident walking through this place toward who knows what.

"To the right. Past the statues and through that hole in the wall."

That pitfall was the first trap we saw, but not the last. As we enter a hallway, Lucas grabs my arm and points at a rope lying across the dirt.

As we carefully step over it and stick to the side of the hallway, up against the wall, I look up and see a nasty looking spiked log precariously balanced up in the ceiling.

Improvised though these traps may be...they're no less deadly for it.