
Dreyton is smaller than Kelros, but no less bustling than the last time we came through.

The beautiful leaves on the trees that surround Dreyton are gone now -most of them likely stripped in the storm, the rest gone with the passing of fall into winter. 

Without those beautiful leaves, it's a far sight less breathtaking to visit Dreyton.

But then, any city that's not in ruins and filled with the sounds of the grieving and the dying is refreshing and beautiful to the eyes right about now.

It also not having stuffy men and women looking down their noses at them like Kelros was a bonus as well.

May loosely holds my hand as we walk through the market stalls.

Carleon isn't far off now, but the caravan already needs to top up some supplies to make it the rest of the way, and Dreyton's peaceful atmosphere is one we're taking advantage of to try to restock before moving on.