Soup Serenade

May pops up then. "Ah! Ah, but..." She thinks a moment. "My Auntie is amazing! She's a healer and a mercenary and really smart, and strong! If I was in trouble she'd save me!!" She nods happily.

I glance down at her with a curious smile.

And just when did I become a 'healer', exactly? Was that her explaining how I fixed Taffy?

"Ooh, a mercenary!" The merchant laughs as if surprised. "Not many of those, I haven't seen around...!"

"Well, we rarely bother to come this close to the capitol, given the adventurer's guild." Lucas supplies casually, as if he were a mercenary himself and could offer such answers.

I arch an eyebrow at him.

He offers me a short smile.

The merchant nods. "I see. And what of you, little one?" He asks May, taking notice of her again.

She shrugs. "I don't know...I like exploring, though."