Brave Little Girl

I gently rock the trembling little girl in my arms back and forth.

"It's okay, May... It's going to be all right..."

May sniffs and clings to me tightly, sobbing quietly as I hold her.

It pains me to see her like this.


Hum softly.

I know singing soothes her, and I can't think of a better thing to do right now other than hold her close and hum a gentle, soft song for her to focus on.

So I continue doing that as long as she seems to need it.

I press gentle kisses to the top of her head.

She's shaking like a leaf.

Eventually May seems to get tired out from her crying, and her body finally stills, her breaths evening out as she relaxes a little and her breathing starts to stabilize.


"Hm?" I shift my hand, rubbing her back lightly. "I'm here."

"S-sorry..." She whimpers, nuzzling into me weakly.