
I can tell in her eyes, May is still rattled.

But she's doing such a good job focusing on the cake in front of her.

Talia's fingers are threading through her hair. "May?" She asks, her voice unusually solemn.

May turns her head slightly, her gaze settling on the woman next to her.

Talia gives her a tiny smile, which seems to bring a bit of life back into the girl's eyes as well. "How's the cake?"

May gives her a shy, tentative smile in response, though it's evident that it's forced, and the girl isn't actually feeling up to smiling or making jokes.

"I like the cake, Miss Talia. Thank you for it." She mumbles quietly. "And thank you for the hair-ruffles."

"Why are you thanking me? You're the one who's been working hard." Talia gives May an encouraging smile and leans forward to ruffle the girl's hair fondly.