The messenger's duty

"Caster Falls." Celeste repeats the name slowly as if tasting the foreign and unfamiliar syllables rolling around inside her mouth.

It doesn't surprise me she wouldn't be very familiar with it. It's far away from anything to do with the Angel's Tear, and not in the path we'd traveled before.

Even I rarely went there before meeting Lucas. It's...more out of the way than most places, out near the border of Latrides and the wastelands.

Lucas nods in agreement, offering no explanation other than: "Indeed. That is what the crazy bitch mercenary had to say."

His tone of voice implies that he thinks the idea to be absolutely insane and ludicrous.

I don't blame him.

Beatrix isn't exactly someone I trust to be giving me messages at the best of times, but after our last interaction and now this...

Even entertaining the idea of heeding her message - her summoning, basically - feels a little ridiculous.