
I lean my cheek on my hand and watch as May ignores my strict instruction to always hold someone's hand in favor of charging top speed all over the tavern main room, racing in complex circles, giggling like that's just how she breathes.

I could stop or scold her, but the truth is, this tavern is perfectly safe right now, doubly so in the daylight like this.

And May needs to be able to burn off her energy or she'll be too restless in the wagon where it might not be always safe.

She skids to a halt beside Roland as if she's run a great marathon, and gasps for breath. I'm impressed she's even tired after all that - I'd begun to think she might have infinite stamina for all she's burning through it.

He eyes her with the expression of someone who has the exact same kind of energy levels as his grandchild. "Good mornin', kid. Where do you think you're going in such a rush, then?"