"Well then." I say, hands on my hips as I look down at May, just a hint of teasing in my voice.
"Can you walk and hold someone's hand on the way back to the wagon, or have your legs gone magically to jelly again?"
May pauses to consider this with her tiny finger on her chin, but seems to quickly make her decision on this matter and responds with an enthusiastic, "Jelly! It's jelly time! Yay! I'm sleepy-tired again, can we go?"
"Aren't you always?" I wonder aloud, "Hmph."
May only beams up at me innocently and blinks her big blue eyes at me.
Well. It isn't like I'm bothered by carrying her around everywhere. Actually, I'm surprised she's not the one bothered by being carried around like some kind of purse dog.
Not that she'd understand the reference, of course. But that's not the point. The sentiment would be the same no matter what.
This girl.