Arcane-edge sword technique

As they stepped into the portal, they were immediately bombarded by a myriad of light, with the space around them stretching and compacting, causing slight discomfort. However, this did not last long as in the next second, they suddenly found themselves in an unfamiliar environment.

"This is it," Allen muttered internally, mesmerized by the ominous atmosphere of the dungeon. "This is where I shall begin my journey to conquer all." He finished, an unseen determination flashing in his eye, but that suddenly changed as he realized what he had just said.

Shrugging off the cringe he felt, he turned around, taking in the beautiful atmosphere around him. It made it hard for him to believe he was really inside a dungeon. The dungeon enveloped them in a dense canopy of towering trees, an array of lush vegetation, and an assortment of exotic insect creatures. It was as if they had stepped into an entirely different ecosystem.

The radiant warmth of the sun overhead cast a golden glow upon the surroundings, lending the scene an ethereal quality that momentarily deceived the senses.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Jackie said appreciatively, mesmerized by the sight before him. Allen nodded in agreement; however, his aura had changed, with seriousness visible on his face. Having learned of the dangers of dungeons, he made sure to remain vigilant despite his initial confidence.

Jackie, noticing Allen's seriousness, rolled his eyes before he shrugged it off, advancing into the forest while taking careful and calculated steps.

"Allen, I thought this place was supposed to be filled with monsters, but we have been walking for nearly ten minutes and there's nothing," Jackie suddenly complained in frustration.

"I mean, look at the watch. Most students are already on one hundred points," Jackie continued, showcasing the holographic panel to Allen.

"Jackie, calm down. Remember, we still have over twenty-three hours left before the dive ends," Allen explained to calm down the impatient Jackie. However, with his impatience, he had inadvertently let down his guard, unaware of the monster that had been waiting in the shadows.

The hidden monster immediately took action as it realized one of its targets had let down its guard, showcasing the experience of a ruthless killer. It lunged forward aiming for the weakest one among them, Jackie.

However, Allen, who had kept his guard at optimal levels, suddenly sensed the presence of the direwolf. Instinctively, he channeled mana into the watch on his wrist, causing a sword to appear out of thin air.

"Arcane Edge Quantum..." he stopped almost as immediately as he began. Releasing control of his mana, he sighted the monster he had sensed. However, he immediately realized he possessed faster agility, which caused him to perceive the monster at a faster rate and perception.

Sighting this, he realized and knew he didn't need to waste mana using the sword technique, a technique he had been taught by his father. The Arcane Edge Sword Technique, a gruesome technique that had been forcefully carved into his very bones.

A technique that took him years just to begin. At the age of eight, he was already swinging a wooden sword five thousand times, as the technique required endless endurance for a non-system awakener to use. Though Clark had originally tried to discourage him, he failed, and eventually, when he sighted Allen's determination, a spark lit up inside him.

He made sure to pass down the technique that took him two decades to create to Allen, a legacy he made for his generation. This technique was the technique that gained him the title of Sword Genius, a title that almost led to his ascension of guardian in the city, but with his death, all was lost.

Calming the raging mana within him, he dashed at the direwolf, which was in a slow animation. Immediately taking action, he performed a diagonal slash in quick succession, immediately drawing blood as a deep gash appeared on the direwolf's dark grey fur.

However, Allen didn't stop there; he immediately followed by slamming his left shoulder into the monster, sending it crashing into a nearby tree, leaving behind a dent.

"Direwolf," he confirmed, sighting the monster that lay on the ground whimpering in pain. Standing at two meters in height, possessing curved claws and deadly fangs. Its figure was said to be imposing; however, such a beast was easily handled by Allen in a few moves.

"How did he?" Jackie questioned in bewilderment; he was too observant to ignore the occurrence that had just occurred.

His gaze became complicated and surprised; after all, even though he was a mage-type system holder, he was still gold-ranked.

Yet he was still unable to react against the attack Allen had just saved him from. It immediately raised a question mark in his heart as he naturally knew his agility stat would not be far off if not superior from Allen's if he was indeed an iron-ranked system holder.

"What a shitty sword," he commented. He really began to wish he had brought the sword he had used dragonification on because the sword in his hands was basically trash. Possessing no special properties which caused him to sigh heavily; after all, the sword had cracked with just one slight use of mana.

"Guess I will have to manage," With the wolf disoriented from the brutal attack, no longer capable of proceeding with the battle, it could be said that it had died before its death. All things considered, he had already damaged arteries that transferred blood to major organs; it was basically only a matter of time before it died.

Allen walked towards the direwolf, impersonating the grim reaper, holding his sword while radiating killing intent, completely paralyzing the already wounded direwolf.

In a swift motion, he swiftly decapitated the direwolf's head, blood spewing everywhere like a bloody fountain. Having dispatched the wolf, he swung his sword, splashing the blood off his sword.


+46 experience points


- 119th place: +59 points

"Jackie, I think it would be best if you summon your golems now," Allen suggested worriedly, having witnessed Jackie's inability to react to surprise attacks.

However, Jackie was too busy trying to understand the feat Allen had just performed to reply. Moving on, he stretched his hands. A magical aura erupted from his hands; stone began to magically manifest, taking humanoid shapes. In just a few seconds, two stone golems had formed, standing at two meters tall with intricate runic figures adorned on their body.

The two golems were distinct from one another; one was robust with thick arms and legs while the other was slender with a flexible appearance. They effectively showcased Jackie's current limit.

At the moment, he could only put strength and speed modifications on the golems. However, he knew that with class advancement at level ten, the possibility would become endless, but for now, limitation was really too obvious.

"Let's move on," Allen suggested before they proceeded on their way, vigilant of their environment. Every snap of twigs and sticks attracted their attention, while on their search for monsters. Allen glanced at his experience point bar and noticed the minuscule impact it had made.

"Leveling up is going to be a pain," he grumbled tiredly, wondering how much the next increase would be. However, just then, low growls sounded from within the forest, immediately grabbing Allen's attention before Jackie followed suit, commanding his golems.

They prepared for battle. Allen tightened his grip on his weapon, readying for battle as six direwolves emerged from the forest, growling as they showcased their metallic teeth.

"Variant?" Allen questioned, immediately noting the difference from the ones he had just fought. They stood at a higher height, possessing metallic-hued fur and metal-like teeth, growling with ferocity.

They split up, four of the direwolves heading towards Allen as they perceived him as a bigger threat, while the other two ran to face Jackie.

"Jackie, keep the golems close," Allen quickly instructed before he himself moved with a burst of agility towards the direwolves. The direwolves sighted Allen's action, growling in rage at the impudence of the human.

Responding, they ran towards Allen with the intent to kill, their curved claws extended and ready for action. Allen reached the wolves and suddenly jumped, avoiding the claws that came down at where he had stood, denting the ground a bit.

"I love this," Allen mused while he was still mid-air, a smile carved onto his lips before landing gracefully on the ground. The direwolves turned around, spotting their prey who seemed to be delighted with the battle that had just ensued.

"Come, let's dance," Allen taunted, which seemed to work as the direwolves began to run towards him once again. This time, he stood waiting for the wolves to come.

The moment the direwolves arrived, he immediately forced mana to his legs, further enhancing his speed. Allen spotted that they were uncoordinated and quickly attacked the first wolf. However, the attack he expected to be effective only cut through a bit of fur, leaving the wolf completely unharmed.

Allen created a bit of distance and glanced at the sword in his hands, only to discover it had cracked, which made him begin to wonder if the academy really wanted them to survive.

Glancing back at the wolves who were about to charge at him, he felt helpless, knowing the sword would only break if he continued with the battle.

"Guess I will have to use it now," he said, standing in a stance, taking in a deep breath as the hungry wolves arrived. At that moment, his closed eyes opened, letting out the air in his throat as he cut forward at the approaching wolves.

"Arcane Edge Quantumdrive!"