Emma in trouble

The moment the words left his mouth, an eerie silence descended, all sounds becoming nonexistent. Allen, at that moment, was the center of attention, with the glowing sword in his hands as he stood in a bent stance.

Letting out a beastly roar, Allen slashed with his sword, and even before it hit, the effect became visible. The direwolves, who had originally been eager to attack, suddenly stopped in their tracks.

With the sword glowing blue with mana, beginning to vibrate at complex and intricate frequencies, increasing its sharpness by profound leaps and bounds.

It did not stop there, as the vibrations began to influence quantum-level phenomena, specifically quantum entanglement. The sword's vibrations began to entangle with synaptic activity in the brain, altering neurotransmitter release and neural firing patterns in regions associated with fear processing, such as the amygdala.

However, Allen showed difficulty incorporating his understanding. After all, he had never possessed mana to actually practice the technique, but he had been taught everything he would need to achieve it.

"Tch," he expressed, gritting his teeth as the technique began to fail, yet he pressed on, not particularly worried about the failure of the technique. After all, he had already stunned the direwolves for a second. Though it might seem short, a second could be a crucial and deadly moment in battle.

Slashing with his sword that was still vibrating at a high frequency, he cut through the direwolves, meeting no resistance, cutting through the metallic fur like butter.

In that instant, they all lost their lives as their body parts fell apart disgustingly, which almost caused Allen to vomit his insides. But his gaze suddenly caught something.

While Jackie's golems were battling the two direwolves, one had managed to slip through, intelligence brimming in its eyes.

Allen, spotting this, immediately reacted, his disgusted face suddenly shifting to seriousness. The direwolf had lunged at the powerless Jackie, who seemed stunned and uncoordinated, a show of inexperience.

Allen had previously planned to rush to save Jackie; however, he knew he might not arrive on time. Instinctively, he glanced at the almost broken sword in his hands and, without a second thought, shot his hand back, standing in a throwing pose. With a sonic boom, he threw the sword with all his might, his muscles bulging under the sheer force.

"Shit," Jackie thought, instinctively moving backward in fear as the direwolf lunged at him. His life suddenly flashed before his eyes, the metallic teeth almost closing down on him. At that moment, he suddenly felt as if his death was inevitable, closing his eyes as he awaited death.

However, just then, he heard a large thud before he felt warm liquid splash on him. He forcibly opened his eyes only to realize he was still alive. Looking around, he glanced at his hand to find crimson red liquid on it.

Puzzled, he raised his head to the left, and there he caught sight of a direwolf, impaled in the head roughly by a broken sword. Unable to utter any words, he suddenly felt something rise from his stomach, falling to his knees as he vomited his breakfast.

"Jackie, you okay?" Allen questioned as he hurried over, his face filled with worry before calming down, realizing his friend was safe.

"I am fine," Jackie choked out before forcibly standing to his feet. Immediately, he was met with the sight of Allen's bloody hand, only to realize it was not his blood. Then he glanced to where the second direwolf had been and there he saw its head mussy and punched into a pulp.

"Allen, how did you do that?" Jackie finally questioned. Allen had performed way too many unbelievable feats for him not to question.

"Guess there's no use hiding it," Allen muttered, knowing his friend had already caught on to something. But he expected nothing less from the god of detectives.

"Jackie, I..." He was about to say, but just then an explosion resounded, immediately drawing their attention and interrupting them. Glancing in the direction, dark mushrooms rose into the sky, immediately drawing his curiosity.

He stepped forward, planning on investigating the matter, however, Jackie pulled on his shoulder.

"Allen, don't go. You don't know what happened there," Jackie said convincingly, though he immediately noticed Allen's stubborn gaze. He forcibly dropped his hands and sighed.

"Fine, let's go," he agreed, knowing he was going to follow if he was at least heading to danger.

"Try to keep up," Allen said to Jackie, who found it hard to understand. However, before he could gain a glance at Allen, he suddenly felt a gust of wind brush along his face, and he was gone.

"Ha, shit," Jackie cursed, not wanting to be left alone in the dangerous forest. He immediately summoned two new golems, possessing both the strength and speed modifications, his creativity sparking to life.

Commanding them, they immediately carried him onto their shoulders before he directed them in the direction Allen had just run to.

"What? Why do I feel like this?" Allen questioned in turmoil. He didn't know why he was running into possible danger, yet he ran bravely towards danger.

If he didn't suddenly have the emotional crisis he just did, he would have run as far away as possible from the explosion. However, he still contradicted it.

As he got closer to the sight of the explosion, he felt an ominous presence and his instincts warning him of potential danger. However, he kept calm and collected.

Suddenly, he arrived, directly dashing out of the forest and arriving in an open field, filled with scorched and smoking grasses all around.

"What happened here?" he muttered in confusion. He suddenly heard another explosion, though not on a large scale. Glancing at the source, he caught sight of a light blue-haired girl rolling off the floor. And as she rolled out of the way,

A menacing creature radiating a dreadful and ominous aura landed at her initial position, causing the floor to cave in under its might.

"Dark Fang?" Allen immediately uttered, recognizing the monster before him by description. Fur as dark as night, eyes void of light, mouth reflecting the endless abyss. At sight, Allen immediately recognized the identity of the monster as the dungeon boss.

He changed his gaze to the individual under the assault of the dungeon boss. Upon sight, his gaze suddenly wavered in shock.

"Emma?" he muttered inwardly as he glanced at her injured state. He immediately took sight of her bleeding stomach. On closer inspection, a knife could be seen lodged into her body.

Sighting this, he became even more worried and considered whether to save her. Making a hasty decision, he was about to rush out, but just then he felt a hand on him. Turning back, he saw Jackie.

"Allen, are you sure about this? You know how dangerous this is," Jackie tried to convince, but he already knew that once Allen had made a decision, there was barely anything that could change his mind.

He nodded at Jackie, who let go as he realized his friend's unwavering bravery, or maybe foolishness; he couldn't tell apart. Nodding back at Allen, showing his support for his decision.

"I don't plan on dying here," Emma affirmed internally, narrowly avoiding the claw aimed at her. Though her resilience was high, she was losing too much blood to continue fighting, her strength slowly leaving her body.

Glancing at the poisoned dagger in her stomach, she suddenly felt rage and anger overcome her. But soon, it turned into a solemn expression as she wondered why her best friends, Rachel and Amber, had betrayed her.

They had unexpectedly encountered the boss, and they quickly began to formulate a plan to escape the scene. But just then, with her guard placed elsewhere, a small dagger was thrust toward her spine. However, showcasing fast reflexes, she turned and jumped, but she was still stabbed in the stomach.

She gritted her teeth as she remembered the wicked smiles on their faces as they ran away from the scene, leaving her to fend off the dungeon boss. She asked them why, but they only giggled at her question before disappearing into the forest.

Dodging another attack by leaping sideways, she grunted a bit in pain as the claw still managed to hit her. She fell to her knees as she suddenly felt excruciating pain, blood gushing out from her impaled leg.

"I can't move," she expressed as she realized the gruesome fate about to befall her. She attempted to stand, but all she got in return was intense pain.

The dungeon boss, Dark Fang, lunged toward her, aiming to finish the prey before it. A smirk was almost visible on its face as it enjoyed the disparity its prey felt.

"Is this really how I die?" she muttered lightly as soft tears dripped from her eyes, the things she had never gone to achieve, everything she had never experienced, flashing back like a movie.

She thought of Allen, the moments they had spent together, and how much she wished they could have still remained together.

At that moment, she really wished she had been able to tell him why she had broken up with him, in hopes of alleviating the guilt she felt. But now, it seemed she would miss her chance to do so.

"Goodbye, Mom. Goodbye, Dad. Goodbye... Allen," she said, closing her eyes as she awaited her demise.

However, just as the lights of her eyes were about to fade, she suddenly felt a warm and familiar hand lifting her, causing her to open her eyes.

"Allen?" she muttered inwardly, wondering if she was in a dream. Before she could confirm this, her vision faded from the loss of blood, a relieved smile forming on her face as she felt happy to see his face.