
"Fatty! Daneli!" Adam called out. "Go ahead, I'll provide support. Don't change your combat style. Fight as you always have. I'll match your tempo."

"OHH!" The duo dashed forward while Adam remained slightly behind.

His mind worked at quick speeds, trying to come up with the best strategy to take down the orcs. He was always used to fighting alone, but this time it was a little different.

Not only did he have to fight as a team, but he also had to save enough strength to later on deal with Kurdan. Out of everyone in the group of orcs, their leader gave Adam the most dangerous aura.

So Adam had to be specially prepared to deal with him.

As for fighting alongside Edward and Daneli, the first spell he discarded was the gravity-related one that he had learned at the House of Cards. Adam was not proficient enough in them to have them not affect his allies.