
The Pavilion Mistress slammed her stick on the floor. "Young Master. Old man. Surely you don't believe that we have to raise the siege ourselves?" She looked at Wuyi. "Don't you believe that Master Li Zhang from the Lotus Order of Tianqin Kingdom is coming? The king?"

Xilai didn't turn to face her. "The king—" he said. He shrugged. Wuyi smiled at her. "Lady, I believe the king is a day or two away. But I believe that the essence of a good defense—whether my opponent is a tribe of barbarians, a feudal lord, or a legendary immortal, is a good offense planned to keep my opponent off balance. Let me tell you of the next two days." He grimaced—for the first time, the others saw the fatigue under his banter. "Let me guess at the next two days," he said.