Conscious Link

Wuyi smiled. "Let us try. I can connect with you all while you cannot enter my conscious thoughts."

"I give a great deal for very little gain," Xilai said. "Bah – and yet, the Pavilion Mistress is right. I am not an island." He extended his hand to Liwei.

She took it graciously. They held hands around the circle, like children in a game.

"Young Master, I intend to pray. Try not to vanish in a puff of smoke," said the Pavilion Mistress.

She began the heavenly Prayer.

They all entered a conscious space; it was a big hall that contained different type of conscious spaces..

The Pavilion Mistress appeared in this hall. She was young, voluptuous in a tall, thin way, with an earthy power to her face that belied her spirit. Liwei was elfin and green. Xilai was young and strong, hale – a warrior on errantry, with a halo of gold.

Lady Yueli was shining like a statue of polished bronze. Feiru looked just like herself.